When I see you again

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The beaming ball of light behind the hills; only a few of its golden rays shone through the branches and cracks of the hills. The crimson, scarlet and amber hues that lingered, danced in the dark canvas of the sky. The whistling wind brushed through My hair as I closed my eyes, trying ever so hard to hold back the tears that soon broke free and ran down my cheek. My lips trembled as my hands covered my face.

" Why you crying?" Sasha asked as she gently moved my hair out my face.

"You're leaving me.. leaving me by myself... alone" I Muttered as I glanced back at her. Her face held a sad smile.

"Eliza... remember the promise we made when we were little?" she asked, looking at the hills in front of us.

" Are you stupid?! of course I do" I replied, wiping the tears away. I stood up from the grass and looked over the cliff hedge, " Of course I do.." I whispered.

" To never forget nor leave each other, To live or die for each other and to always be there when we fall down" She muffled, "Can you keep those promises for me... please?" she teared up.

I nodded my head as I clutched onto the bracelet she gave me when we were in high school. So many words I regretted, So many actions I regretted and so many things I should've said that 've regretted... I slowly stepped away from the cliff edge and stared into the sky.

"Y'know... Eliza...I-I've always loved you.. but I couldn't tell you...I Didn't want you to hate me.. you were to precious to me" she said. My head quickly turned to face her... why... why now!

"You idiot! You Fucking idiot..." I screamed, My vision of her blurred as warm waterfalls ran down my face, " I-I've always felt the same way... but now... it's too late" I muttered as I crouched down onto the ground.

Flash back ( Ten years ago)

"Hey, you fucking retard get up!" boomed an older man as he grabbed my hair, "The fuck you call this?" he pointed at the indent on his car.

"Y-you were the one who knocked me off my bike sir.." my lips trembled as tightened my eyes.

" How dare you blame this on me you pest lets phone the police and see what they think, your parents should've brought you up better you little fuck!" His other hand grabbed my arm, I could feel it bruising as his grip tightened.

" Phone the police then, I'm sure they would be able to check the cameras on the streets to see what actually happened, and besides, even if she wasn't at fault you're right now terrifying her, hurting her.. we could press assault charges against you" Sasha said as she stepped closer towards us.

" You have a smart mouth, it would be best to keep it shut" the old man grinned.

" You're an old creep... y'know it looks like you're trying to abduct her" she glared, the man threw me on the floor and quickly started walking up to Sasha with his fist held tightly.

" AHHHH HELP HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HELP, THERES A CREEPY OLD MAN TRYING TO TAKE ME! STARNGER DANGER!!!" she screamed as she ran in circles, making as much noise as she possibly could. some neighbours came out and the man looked around frantically.. he ran to his car and raced off.

Sasha ran up to be and hugged me as tight as she could. The warmth I felt, the safety I felt.. was unbelievable... I wouldn't let go; even if I tried, I couldn't... wouldn't let go. But I did.. in the end.

end of flash back

"You were always smarter and quicker than me " I said, trying to smile, "I couldn't do anything without you.. I wont be able to do anything without you..."

A pair of white shoes stepped in front of me, I looked up and there she was, shining so brightly like an angle.

"You can and you will, It's not like I'm never gonna be here... just call me... I'll listen to you and be there for you" she smiled as her long laced dress danced in the swirling wind and her blonde hair swayed in the moonlight. Her azure coloured eyes glistened as the gems in the black midnight sky shone.

" Remember that boy who tried to date you?" I chuckled, looking down.

" Ahhh yeah... wasn't it a dare? " she giggled " oh god you went mental at the poor guy, not only that you got detention for a few weeks "

"He deserved it, how dare he try to go out with you because of a stupid game, Y'know he boasted about it to his mates" I replied

"Eliza... you knocked his teeth out.." she said as she shook her head slightly before laughing. "See.. You have been there for me and you sure do know how to stand up for your self and others... you will he fine okay "

Her hand branched out towards me, pulling me into her warm embrace. Her hands wrapped around me and tightened and tears streamed from her eyes. I hesitated but soon wrapped my hands around her,hurrying my head in her shoulders.

"Do you really have to go" I wept as my voice cracked.

"Y'know I have to" she whispered as her grip on me loosened. I struggled letting go but I had no other choice...

My vision of her blurred as I watched her move slowly back. " WAIT! WAIT SASHA... I LOVE YOU I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU" I screamed; my crackling voice soon dissipating into the whistling wind . She did not reply but gave a warm gentle smile instead.

She turned around to face the chandelier which hung from the midnight sky, her hair illuminating from it's light. Little by little her figure began to fade away like star dusts flowing with in the breeze. Before she completely disappeared she turned around and opened her arms;welcoming me into a final hug.

I ran. Ran faster than i ever could and embraced her tightly; this time i wasn't going to let go. I scrunched up my eyes as she whispered in my ear " keep your promise okay ? Please live for me... I love you " I opened my eyes and her her body soon dissipated.

She was gone... I fell to the ground as my screams got lost into the air. I opened my palm to find the necklace I made her back when we were younger... I opened it to find our picture smiling back at me... I slowly got up and smiled softly and the shining moon, wiping all the tears from my eyes.

I know She's watching me from above and I know she wants me to become stronger... and I will.


Hey, thanks for reading ~ sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest ~
please comment and vote and suggest what Ideas you would like for me to write up ♡

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