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How are you able to love someone when you hate them so much? To care when you wish you didn't, or to hear them but not listen. A crush is a fantastic, depressing ,joyful yet painful experience, and at least once in our lives we go through it. Regretting every moment we open our mouths or actions we do that end up embarrassing  ourselves. It's like competing in a game of tug of war. sometimes it's better to let go instead of holding on and getting hurt, other times its better to keep holding on, as the hope of you finally winning seem to be closer then expected and when you finally do win, the sensation of victory and happiness are far more greater than any feeling you had ever felt.

At a café

"Psst... Veronica... " I jerk my head to the side as my friend Ashley whispered in my ear, " he's staring at you... now don't turn around suddenly just slowly look at him" she grinned.

I nodded at her and I carefully traced the path her eyes made for me, and there, sitting down with a group of friends in the corner of the café,with his golden hazel eyes and  Styled, raven black hair, was Ace Woods... though he wasn't the most popular person he was definitely envied by most of the guys in school and girls flocked around him... Who am I kidding, he is the most popular guy in school and he was looking at me...  well I think he was.

I've known Ace since primary and he's always beaten me in everything I do and I'm always in second place because of that: every test we do he would get first place and I would get second. Every race we did he would get first and I would get second.  Every project we did he would get first and I would get second, etc. I guess our rivalry was quite well known as people would make bets to see if I could finally beat him or not... to say the least... I still haven't managed to. But what started off as just a goal to beat Ace woods has turned into something more... my dumbass ended up falling for the guy.

Inconspicuously , I fixed my hair and straightened my back as I slowly made my way to their table, I turned my head to face Ashley and she was smiling with her thumbs up, my eyes widened to tell to her to stop and she did whilst silently laughing.

"Uh-um can I please take your order?"  I asked looking down at my notepad.

" V... you work  here?" I looked up to see a gorgeous auburn haired girl, her name was Stacey and unlike the stereotypical popular girls she was actually quite nice and clever. We have a few lessons together and I guess you could say we were close friends.

"No, I just wear this apron and carry this notepad everywhere I go... it's a must need item" I smiled and she chuckled a bit too.

"Okay, well can I please just have a cup of coffee with a chocolate muffin" she asked.

" oh and can I also have a coffee as well" said the blonde guy next to her, his name is Derek and he goes out with Stacey, I think its almost been a year now since they started dating and they're still one of the most talked about couples in school. I looked up from my notepad after writing everything that was said.

"Is that all?" I asked and I looked at Ace who had yet to say anything. Stacey nudged his arm, which has broke his train if thoughts.

"Ahhh miss second place " I rolled my eyes as I began to walk off. A strong grip tightened around my wrist and my stomach fluttered.  " Can I have a cappuccino please" he smiled and slowly loosened the grip on my wrist. I nodded and walked off, trying to hide the redness that brushed against my cheeks.

"Oh my god V...  he so likes you" Ashley smirked as she got the orders ready.

"No.. he doesn't, only because we've known each other since we were young doesn't mean anything" I rolled my eyes, a small smile crept onto my face.

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