She clutched her pistol. The groans were right outside the wooden door of the janitors closet. Her heart was beating faster and faster with every passing moment becuase she knew that the door wouldnt hold against them.
She slowly cocked the pistol. This was the end and she knew it. She had survived this long but it was her time now.
The door flew open. Hands covered in putrid, rotting flesh made uncertain grabs for her legs. She aimed her pistol at the enemies head and looked up. She froze as she tried to pull the trigger. Click. She tried once more. Click. Again and again she tried to shoot but her worst fears had come true, she had ran out of bullets. The flesh rippers made one final grab at her, they succeeded and she was pulled forward. Her screams were muffled against the bodies clambering over her.
This was the end and she knew it.
Rise of the Rippers
ParanormaleRippers: An outcome of a suicidal bio-terrorist attack using the chemical Nosodiaphine which turns the infected into an unrecognisable fleshy monster similar to the undead. Rippers get their name from the way they rip into the ribcage of its victims...