Chapter 1 - My Lovely Friends

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  • Dedicated to Any fans of One Direction!

AN: Hello everyone! This is my first story on Wattpad! I’m still getting used to the site but it’s all good! I’ve been debating if I should post this or not but I think it’s pretty good. I’ll try to post every 1-3 days until it’s done. If you like please vote, comment, and/or fan! If you think a friend would like it please tell them about it! Thanks!

Claire’s POV

     It was a cold and rainy start to another day is West Mullingar, Ireland. What terrible weather for September 13th especially for a surprise birthday party for my best friend ever, Niall Horan. I couldn’t believe that my little leprechaun was turning thirteen years old in only 30 short minutes. He would officially be a teenager. But come to think of it, I wasn’t far behind. I would be a teenager tomorrow.

      You see me and Niall always annoyed each other about our birthdays. I always say he is an unlucky child because he was born on the 13th and Niall never lets me forget that he is less than 24 hours older than me. I find that ironic because I act twice my age and Niall acts as if he hasn’t surpassed his 6th birthday.

     Anyway, I was in Niall’s backyard helping everyone set up for the second best party ever. And yes, I said second. Why? Because mine is going to be better than his by just a little bit. I glanced at my watch. Yikes! Niall would be home from Sean’s soon.

     Sean was Niall’s other best friend and without him this wouldn’t be possible because he has been distracting Niall all day long. Trust me. That is hard to do. Niall is always moving or eating. I looked around. Everything looked set. I glanced at the presents. I felt guilty. I hadn’t bought anything for Niall. But I wasn’t supposed to. You see when me and Niall were little we made a promise that we wouldn’t buy presents for each other because our friendship was enough.

     Snap out it Claire. Time to start texting. Sean first.

     Clairebear to Master Sean: Everything is ready. Be here soon. OK?

     Master Sean to Clairebear: Thank god. Niall is getting bored.

    Ok. Briana. Briana was my other best friend. She is awesome. Anytime I need her she is there to talk.

     Clairebear to Princess: Everything is set. Get every1 in place now.

     Princess to Clairebear: K. Don’t mess this up now.

     I read this and smiled. It was true. I was a really bad at hiding anything so if someone blew this it would be me for sure. Now to text the birthday boy himself.

     Clairebear to Nandos: Hey there birthday boy! What’s up?

     Nandos to Clairebear: Don’t hey me. It’s my birthday and you haven’t talked to me all day.

     Clairebear to Nandos: Sorry about that. Can I come over in 5?

     Nandos to Clairebear: Sure.

     Okay. Five minutes to compose myself. I can do this. I heard a skateboard. Niall. One more glance at the backyard showed everyone was in there places, even Sean who looked slightly out of breath.

    I walked around to the front porch. Thank god the skies had cleared up and I could almost see the sun. Inhale, exhale, and Ding Dong. Within seconds Niall answers the door with his smiling face. Gosh his smile was awesome too.

            “Hey Birthday Boy!” I exclaimed.


           “What’s wrong? You look sad,” I asked him looking him straight in the eyes. He bravely returned my stare. I started to wonder if I had truly done something wrong. He saw that I was concerned. He starts grinning like a fool.

My Best Friend (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now