Chapter 28 - Going Home

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AN: Hi everyone! I know this chapter is really short, but I think it's the last one. I know, I'm sad too. This was my first book on Wattpad and I'm glad a lot of people are enjoying it! So anyway, here's the last chapter.

Claire’s POV

              I woke up to sun shining through the hotel curtains and the muffled sound of birds chirping. I saw it was still early so I got up and shuffled into the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped down and let the steaming water wake me up. When I was done I dried off and let my hair air dry. I put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a neon pink t-shirt. I ordered room service and flipped on the TV. Great. Yet another story about me. This time it was about my appearance as a guest judge on the X-Factor.

              “It looks like up and coming star Claire has added guest judge to her résumé. I think we all can agree she did a wonderful job, but some people have brought up an interesting point. Was Claire being biased to One Direction? The starlet confirmed she was dating Niall Horan and is friends with the rest of them so a lot of people seem to think she gave them a better review than others. What do you think? Was she being biased or not? Sound off your comments on Twitter.” The reporter finished her story and I screamed into my pillow. Why was being even a little bit famous so hard? I finally managed to calm down and I turned on my phone. I opened up Twitter to see a bunch of new mentions. I read through them seeing a lot of fans thought I wasn’t being biased. But there were a lot of people who thought I was biased too. I opened a new tweet and typed.

@HeyitsClaire: I wasn’t being biased to One Direction in anyway. I just think they have a lot of talent and are amazing singers. I would have told them the truth if I was friends with them or not. The truth just turned out to be good so please don’t make a big fuss. Xx

              I tweeted that and instantly got replies. Most of them were good so I logged off Twitter and got my food from room service which had just arrived. I ate quickly before packing my stuff. When I was done I checked one last time to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything and made my way to the lobby. I returned my room key to the front desk and got into the car waiting for me. When I got to the airport it wasn’t very crowded and I made my way to the gate very easily. When it was time I boarded the plane, preparing for the fairly quick flight back toIreland. I settled into my seat and fell asleep. A few hours later I was awoken by a flight attendant who told me we had landed. I blushed and quickly got off the plane. I walked through the airport until I saw my mom waiting for me. I ran over and hugged her. She hugged me back and I spent the whole time talking to her about my week. When we finally arrived at home I went to my room to unpack and catch up on school work. I checked my phone and saw I had gotten a text from Kari.

Kari to Claire: Hey girly! I thought you’d be home soon so I thought I would send you welcome home text! Can you believe in 14 short days we’ll be on tour together!

              I read Kari’s text and groaned. Only 14 days left until my life would completely change again. We’d be traveling to places I’d never been to before. I’d be away from my mom. I’d be busy too, which meant less time to talk to the boys. Less sleep. Maybe I wasn’t ready to go on tour.

AN: Can you believe it? A cliffhanger! To find out if Claire goes on tour read the epilogue that I'll probably post later tonight since I'm in a writing mood! I know it seems a little abrupt, but I tink this is what's best, so yeah!

Xx Lily

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