Chapter 3 - Sticky String

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 AN: Yes!! Chapter 3!! I'm sorry if it's still boring but the next is the last one with no One Direction. I would really like to thank you guys for reading this story!!

Niall’s POV

            I can’t believe it! Claire likes me! Or at least that’s what Briana said. Wait. What if that’s what they were laughing about. I could tell Claire I liked her and then she would laugh in my face. Ok, so I won’t tell her. But at least one thing Briana did was lift my spirits. I’ll at least go have some fun.

            I walked over to Claire. I admit I got a little nervous but I tried to stay calm.

            “Hey birthday girl!”

            “Hey Niall! You seem to be in a good mood now.”

            “Yeah. So can I ask you about why you and Briana were laughing so hard earlier?”

            “I’m sorry Niall it’s a secret between me and Briana,” Claire said trying to act serious.

            I playfully shoved her. “I thought that we made a promise not to keep secrets from each other.”

            “Well we did but trust me you’ll understand later." She laughed again.

            “Ok I trust you but I have a bad feeling about this at the same time,” I said smiling back.

            Just then Sean came from behind me and begged me to come with him. Reluctantly I said good bye to Claire and followed Sean inside the house.

Sean’s POV

            I pulled Niall away from Claire for a reason. I knew my buddy could make good decisions but he was getting to close to Claire. I never admitted it but I liked Claire too. I think I liked Claire more than Niall and I’ve liked her longer. So seeing Niall talking like that to Claire made the little green monster come out of me. I just couldn’t help it. I had to get them apart. I looked at the clock. Only two hours left of this honestly super awesome party. Two hours to keep two people away from each other.

            “What man?” Niall asked. I could tell he was irritated.

            “Nothing,” I said trying to act normal. “Just wanted to see how you we’re doing bro.”

            Niall looked at me and then turned to face the door.

            “Seriously that’s all you wanted to know,” he said.

            I nodded.

            Niall turned around to leave. He opened the door that led back out to the porch. It closed then I heard a scream and some laughter. I ran to the porch to find Niall covered in sticky string and Claire and Briana holding the cans. Everyone was laughing including Niall. He was lying on the ground. When Claire caught her breath she held a hand out to Niall to help him up. He took it and I felt a pang of jealousy. As people started to settle down Niall peeled the sticky string off him and threw it away. I have to admit that was pretty clever.

Niall’s POV

             I can’t believe Sean dragged me away from Claire to ask how I was doing. I was still fuming over that when I opened the door and immediately got pelted with something. I saw Claire and Briana with cans of sticky string and started laughing. I had a feeling that this is what they were laughing about earlier. I pretended to be shocked and fell to the ground. I have to admit that was pretty clever.

            “Was that what you and Briana were laughing about earlier?” I asked standing up to face Claire.

            She nodded. She was laughing so hard she couldn’t talk. As I started peeling sticky string off myself Claire started to laugh harder. I threw away the sticky string and went back over to Claire. She had laughed so hard tears rolled down her eyes. Yes today was a good day.

Claire’s POV

            It was an hour after the sticky string prank and I still thought it was a genius idea.

One thing I was happy about was that Niall wasn’t mad at me for doing it. Even though I had a feeling someone would climb up my into my tree house and spray me. I heard someone calling my name. Niall.

            “I’m up here,” I called.

            I can hear him climbing up our crappy homemade ladder that had wore over the years.

            “Hey. I just wanted to see if the birthday girl had a good birthday,” Niall said.

            When he got up the ladder he sat next to me swinging his feet over the edge, putting his arm around me. Now many people would think that he likes me if he put his arm around me but it was normal for me since Niall had been doing it since kindergarten.

            “Yes. It just so happens that I did have a good birthday. And now I’m a teenager.” I smiled.

            Niall smiles too. “I would ask you want your favorite part was but I think I already know what it is.”

            We both smile and then start laughing. Yes sometimes we read each others mind and sometimes it was just that obvious.

            “You know that kissing promise we made when we were little?” Niall questioned.

            “Yeah. And if you’re finally going to come clean and say you broke it I already know,” I said.

            “How did you find out. You weren’t there! You had food poisoning!” Niall exclaimed.

            “Sean told me,” I smiled.

            “Ok, well since you know, I’m sorry for not telling you.”

            “Apology accepted,” I said.

            We fell into a silence but it wasn’t an awkward one. At that moment I looked up at Niall and he looked up at me. Slowly he leaned closer to me. I knew what he was doing. He was going to kiss me. I started to lean in too until our lips were pressed together. We jumped apart when we heard a rustle in the bushes. Both of us smiled and I blushed.

            “Was that weird?” Niall asked quietly.

            “No, it was, good actually,” I say deciding to tell the truth.

            “Claire, I wasn’t planning on telling you this but I like you.”

            My heart fluttered. He liked me. I can’t believe it.

            “I like you too,” I said.


            I nod. “But I don’t really know if we should tell anybody about this though.”

            “I agree,” Niall said.

            I looked at my watch. It was about 10 o’clock. It was getting late.

            “It’s late,” I said.

            “Yeah, I should go. I don’t want my parents to start freaking out,” Niall said.

            We climbed out of the tree house and walked through the backyard.

            “Bye Niall,” I waved.

            “Bye Claire.”

AN: Awwww! That was sweet wasn't it?!?!

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