Chapter 25

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A/N Sooo this is really short sorry about that but its a filler until next chapter which is where everything begins. Please comment cause its been awhile since i read one...and I would love honest feedback!Oh and only two chapies left with an epilogue!! YAY :)

Enjoy <3

Chapter 25

Katreena’s POV

The time has come, to end what has been created. My breath was slow and steady, but my heart gave no sign of life. I began to grow used to the lack of sound once created into something more by Demetri. The thought of him made my mind wonder when I was only an innocent child. The lack of knowledge of whom or what was beyond the castle gates have stayed a mystery to me. The laughter grew into beauty as I grew older, and the more I needed to know what was past the barricade. I had no awareness of what was truly going on at this time. I was only sixteen when my world crashed before my very own eyes and looking back I was only manipulated into the sense of a new breed that could triumph vampires and witches combined.

I was truly brainwashed into the thought of hating my very own kind. Yes, I grew up with the knowledge I was a witch, which made it so much easier to get inside of my own very head. I had the single opportunity to step inside the castle gates, but my grandmother didn’t allow it, of course I went anyways.

The rest just fell into place for Demetri. Taking away an innocent girls mortal life was simply business. I truly thought he loved me but I was wrong. The way he was able to sacrifice me in front of the entire village with no remorse had my spine grow strong in furry.


“Demetri, PLEASE!” My voice was strong but growing weak as he lit the wood below my feet. Everyone watched as the wood burned rapidly. Torches flew in the sky landing in the pile of lumber. Tears stained my cheeks as I struggled with my hands tied behind me. The rope rubbed against my skin as I tried painfully to gain freedom. I looked up as smoke began to enter my lungs. Demetri opened his mouth and the words ‘We’ll be together again’ formed. I looked at him struck with pain deep in my soundless heart. I stood straighter as I remembered what I had done not so long ago, a spell that could change everything around us. I caught eyes with Heinrik and Hunter, both of their heads were down and I knew when the time was right they were going to have to act as if they were on his side, which of course they are not. Demetri believes I am still with him. Even though he believes the reincarnated spell worked, that is where the spell comes in. A chosen daughter my age will bring me back in a way that no one would consider. Black magic is forbidden but this was a necessity. I had to somehow make this work.

My heart may be soundless but it was filled with every emotion mankind can create. I felt like a piece of trash in the wind, left there for no one to claim. The fire ate towards my shaken body. My eyes grew as the heat began to be unbearable. The fire ran up my legs and gown. A screeching scream of agony escaped my parted lips as my eyes scanned the flames that surrounded around me. I felt my very own skin begin to melt like wax. As the flames neared my chest I narrowed my eyes with Damian’s. He was my biggest disappointment. The way he had me feel around him, had me realize I was not the only one of this kind. Yes he is part witch and vampire. But, he was born this way. The only of his kind, I on the other hand was born witch and made into a vampire.

The power that was created was more powerful than anyone itself could possibly control. The speed and agility of a vampire but the compelling of a witch had many believe there must be more power the new breed holds, which is true. Not only do I have speed, strength, and the power to compel a mortal being, I have a gift no other creature has, psychometrics. The ability to touch any creature that walks the earth and see what they hold secret, I am only allowed to see what wants to keep hidden. This gift has brought me here. I had the tendency to speak aloud on what I see. And when I touched Damian and Demetri they had planned to create an entire species and use them as slaves. Even though my kind is more powerful but vampires have found a fruit that takes away these powers. No one knows for certain on what fruit. However, my sacrificing is a show. The villagers believe I am the only kind, but I am not. There are approximately a few under a hundred down in the prison below the very castle.

The flames began to wrap around my body as it reached my torso. My heart began to thump against my chest as the fire seeped into my skin. For only a moment the beating of my heart brought me peace. With one last beat my body began to expand until I fell into death.


Bryson’s POV

My hands gripped on the railing turning my knuckles white. The cold wind hit my goose like arms. I rubbed my arms to take away the chill.

“Here” Her voice was all too familiar, but I knew it wasn’t her.

“Thanks” I muttered as Katreena placed the blanket around my shoulders. We both stood looking towards the horizon. The sun was now peeking through the ocean waters. Katreena and I were both on our way to the place Hanna was just a few weeks ago. However, this time we knew what we were going to do there, battle. I knew my oath and I was planning on keeping it. My family is mortal, no powers of any kind. But we are the chosen warrior family, meaning when the Chosen girl has risen one man from our family will oath to stand by her side till needed for the original, Katreena.

“Are you ready for this?” She asked. Her eyes scanned my worried expression. The warm sun made her eyes glisten and for a spit second the smile on her lips had me see Hanna. I shook my head.

“What exactly do you need from me?” She bit her lower lip as she thought for a minute.

“Protection mostly, the fight is between Demetri and I”

“So there is no battle?”

“Oh yes there will be one bloody fight with the half witch and vampire and full blooded vampires. That is where you come in. You must set them free and lead them in order to win.” I nodded my head as everything sunk in. “You might die” I made eye contact with her and formed a straight line with my lips knowing she was right.

“It will be an honor to die for their freedom” She smiled timidly and squeezed my hand before her eyes grew. Her hand released my own as if she touched something hot. Tears stained her cheeks as she avoided my eyes. “Katreena…?”

She wiped her cheeks with her sleeve “I’m okay it hurts that’s all” I narrowed my eyes knowing that was not all. “Bryson I’m so sorry for what happened”

I took in a deep breath. “So am I”

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