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"I can see the pain in your eyes from the hurt in your heart,
and I'd really love to fix it just don't know where to start.
Every time you let me in a little you shut me right back out,
and it makes me wanna scream,
"I am a grown woman and games are not what I'm about!!!"
But instead I'll say I love you and I'll say it a million more times,
if that's what it takes for you to know for you to acknowledge it in your mind.
I will never hurt here it is on paper in pen,
and I bet if you look at the bottom of these feelings hitting paper
you'll find my signature at the end.
You have to know I love you, after all this time.
I'm just afraid because when I'm with you my heart is no longer mine.
So this is it I'm giving in.
My white flag has hit the sky.
I'm giving you my everything don't make me wonder why.
I loved you then, I love you now, and somehow I know I always will.
So for me please take your time, relax your mind, and learn how to chill."

I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about my life...here I am 33 years old singing backgrounds for a superstar, living on my own with no kids or a partner. My mind started to think about two weeks ago and thst conversation Toni and I had and I started to get pissed off 'cause here I was chasing her down just to get her love and after she dissed me she wanna act like she wants me.

Toni has been calling me non-stop but I refuse to answer...I know I'm gonna melt just by hearing her voice but she won't get that satisfaction from me. I stuffed my face in my pillow and not long after, my phone started ringing; I looked at the phone to see her name so I decided to answer.

"You don't give uo do you"I said

"Not until you answered me I will never give up"

"What do you want Toni"I said trying to sound upset

"You"Toni said

"Toni I don't have time for this"

"Meet me at my place in 30 minutes"Toni said then hung up

I sat there looking at the phone in my hand chewing on my bottom lip. A part of me was telling me to go but then another part told me fuck her and don't go and always I listen to the the one that said go.

"She's lucky she's cute" I mumbled

I got dressed then drove to her place...I walked up to the door but before I could ring the bell, the door swung open revealing a smiling Toni on the other side.

"Fuck you smiling for"I said with a straight face

"Come in"Toni said softly

I walked in her house following behind her to the dining room where there was candles lit and two silver domes set on the table with wine cooling.

"Hell no I told you I don't have time for games "

I turned to walk out but then I stopped to Toni begging me to stay. I huffed then walked over to the table sitting down. Toni sat across from me with that same stupid ass grin on her face.

"Wipe that smile off your face and tell me why I'm here"I said rudely

"I thought I'd make dinner for you and that we can maybe talk"Toni said with her head down


"No please listen okay I know I haven't been very kind to you and very considerate of your feelings but I'm scared alright I was scared then and I'm still scared"Toni said looking in my eyes

"Scared for what"

"I was scared to love, to lose myself and people around me...if they see me with you a woman"

"Toni you can't keep living your life on what people think about you and what you do. If they lived you like they say they do then who you love shouldn't bother then it's your life not theirs and I'm not Kenny I will never be but you made me feel lowest of the low. I could have any woman I want Toni but I chose you and I'd wait for you till the day I die for you if I had to"

"I'm sorry"she said

I got up and knelt by the side if her chair holding her hands in mine.

"Toni please just give me a chance to prove that I can love you better than any body else. Can you let me love you Toni"I begged

"I'm scared Ava"

"Don't be scared Toni I'm not gonna do you like Kenny did. I may not be able to give you things that you're used to but my love is more than enough"

"Ava you gotta promise to never hurt me or leave me"Toni said staring down at me

"That's never ever gonna happen Toni I promise you that"


"Yea?"I said getting happy


I got up and hugged her tight.

"I promise you won't regret this"

"I believe you"

"God is good Toni's mines and I'm forever hers"I sung

"So silly"she giggled

"Let's grub woman what you waiting on "I said digging in my food.

Sorry for any mistakes 💋

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