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I was in my car driving down the freeway blasting N. E. R. D by Rihanna. I was on my to see my sisters well they're not really my sisters but we grew up together so basically they because the sisters I never had. I pulled up their house hours later then made my way in their home.

"I'm here bitches" I yelled

"Bitch who told you to come up in here yelling and shit" Moni said

"Nah let her yell just so I can't pop her in her shit" Robin followed up

"Wow I feel the love" I said pretending to be hurt

"Come here big head " they said pulling me in a hug

"I missed y'all"

"We missed you too but how come it took you so long to come see us"Robin said pulling me to the kitchen

"I just been busy you know with the tours and other things"

"Things like your girl Toni"

I stood straight confused on how they knew about Toni and I cause I definitely didn't tell them anything.

"How--how do you know 'bout that" I asked shocked

"Oh it was on TMZ this morning" Moni said

"So it's true huh. How did that happen I didn't know she was into women"

"She's not I mean she wasn't "

"You dirty motherfucker you turned her out" Moni said laughing

"I didn't do anything she made that decision on her own" I said

"Rob you believe this shit cause I sure as hell don't"

"I don't either now we both know how you are and you made the first move jumping down her throat " Robin said

"See then that means you don't know me at all cause she was the one who jumped down my throat I mean yea I pursued her but never crossed that line so like I said she made the choice on her own"

"Well excuse the fuck outta me" Moni said laughing

"So how did you and her became a thing"

"What you saying I can't pull a woman like her" I said offended

They both looked at each other then blurted out

"Hell no"

"Y'all wrong and if you must know, her husband wasn't doing it right so I had to step in thank you very much"

"What you mean by that" Robin asked

"You remember Anne Marie yea well she came in the house one day all happy and shit talking bout she got a new man and how she's so in love with him---turns out the man she was talking bout was Toni's husband"

"Bitch you lying" Moni said shocked

"I swear on my mama's grave"

"So how she found out" Robin asked

"I told her"

"Ava" Moni said looking at me like I committed a crime


"Why you do that...
It wasn't your place to tell her"

"Well somebody had to tell her cause he wasn't gonna anyways and I'd feel guilty knowing that I knew and never said anything to her"

"I see where you're coming from but you should've stayed out of jt" Robin said

"Yea" Moni agreed

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda but I didn't but look where it got me...right in her heart so it's his loss"

"Well you do have a point"

" I know I do now in the meantime, I need to figure out who the fuck told the media about us" I said thinking hard

Short I know...

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And the next chapter will be really long so look out for that and please excuse any mistakes.

A Beautiful Sin{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now