Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I was back in my room, sitting on the bed reading one of the books that I had picked from the bookshelf. It seemed to be a history book about Asgard. I sat there reading about all of the battles that Odin had been involved in. It was quite interesting to read a text about the things I learnt about, which had been written by Asgardians themselves. It was obvious that some of the things written in here were exaggerated. By Odin himself I guess. After reading a few more chapters I went over to the window and looked out. I could see the gardens and if I sat on the windowsill and leaned out a bit I could see the Rainbow Bridge. I must say it looked impressive. Oh for the love of God  Nyx, you're in Asgard! Everything was impressive. There was a knock on my door and my parents came in.

"How are you doing Nyx? What did you do?" My dad chipped in.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" I glared at my dad. Honestly he needs to stop judging Loki. I wasn't sure why I was defending him so much? Maybe because I knew what it felt like to be judged on something you've (or people thought you had) done in the past?

*flash back*


Whispers followed me into every room I walked into. The usually friendly environment of my classes was gone and instead replaced with judgement and hatred. Even my English teacher, who usually jokes around with me, was looking at me as if I was the last thing he wanted to see. It was now that I realized that sitting in the front row was a bad idea. As I sat down I could feel everyone's eyes on me. The teacher began the lesson by informing us that we would be starting a new topic, which was Shakespeare, something I was rather looking forward to. The lesson began. We all had a copy of Macbeth and were reading in silence. Suddenly there was a sound from the intercom, signalling that an announcement was going to be made. 

"This is the headmaster, Mr. Arnold speaking. As you are all aware one of our former students Michael Dyers has passed away after being attacked in the streets." I could feel everyone watching me as tears escaped my eyes. "Michael was a brilliant A* student and I would like us all to have a moment of silence in his memory." After the minute of silence was over, the teacher instructed for us to go back to reading. I felt something hit my head and I turned around and saw Richard and his gang staring at me, smirking.

"It's all your fault, you do know that right?" I shook my head and turned around, trying to concentrate on Shakespeare's work. I tried to push the thought away from my mind but deep down inside I knew the truth. If I hadn't insisted on Michael going to the gig with me, we wouldn't have been walking down that road to the place my dad was picking us up. We wouldn't have ran into a group of thugs. Michael would still be here. I'd have my best friend here. I sighed.

"Miss. Holland I asked you a question?" I looked up at the teacher who was looking at me with a mean look on his face. Obviously everyone blamed me for Michael's murder. Why didn't you stay and try to fight them off? Did you even try?' If you hadn't dragged him to that stupid concert he would still be here.' That last part hurt me the most because it was true and because it came from Michael's sister herself. I spent hours locked up in my room, refusing to come out. I just kept blaming myself for it, everyone else was blaming me for it so who was to say that it wasn't my fault? My parents of course and Michael's parents as well.

"Miss. Holland! Are you going to at least try to answer my question?!" I just shook my head, looking at me desk. A few tears managed to hit by English book before I wiped my eyes. I didn't want to think I was crying because of them.

"In that case please collect your stuff and leave my classroom." It was obvious that he didn't want me in the class, that no one did. They accused me of being the reason behind Michael's death, which I was beginning to believe. Others who might not have known exactly what happened, judged me based on what the people in my year group were saying. It was as if everyone turned away from me and judged me based on an incident I was involved with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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