Chapter 10

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As the sun began to peak through the blinds of Bertholdt's room, Isabella began to shift where it wasn't in her eyes. She pulled the covers over her stomach, for it was really warm under them. As she had just got comfortable, Isabella felt to large arms rap around he waist and pull her closer. Her eyes widened, as she slowly turned her body to face the figure behind her. There stud a back to normal Bertholdt. His big green eyes staring happily at her.
"Bertholdt," Isabella asked. Tears welding up in her eyes.
She slung her arms around his neck as she began to cry for joy. Bertholdt held her tightly.
"Your back," she said.
"I guess I am," Bertholdt said as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips lovingly. They both staid like that for a while.
As they pulled their lips apart, they heard the sound of Savannah yelling. Isabella rushed into her room to see her crying on the floor in Eren arms. He was back to normal as well.
"It worked," Isabella said.
They walked down the halls and saw the rest of their house mates. Mary and Normal Levi were asleep, Reiner and Madison were kissing, Jean and Tayler were crying and kissing, and Ashley and Marco were hugging.
The antidote worked. The girl's thought that it had mad them remain kids, but it just needed time.
All in the house were overjoyed. They all shared passionate kisses before, having breakfast and calling Madison Daniels. They tolled her about what happened and she was so happy.
"Yes, I'm not a failure," Madison laughed.
It was all good int he house now, and the girls didn't have to worry anymore. The guys were back to normal, and they had then back just the way they wanted the.

The End

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