K is for King of The World

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Disclaimer: Rick and I went head-to-head in a Rock, Paper, Scissors match and he won. That means he-unfortunately- still owns PJO/HOO.

About: Who's better to be king of the world other than Travis Stoll? Everyone!

Time: When Travis and Katie were 10. It's Katie's first year at CHB and she's just met Travis.

Katie's POV:


I jumped.

A boy about my age popped up beside me. He had curly brown hair, pointy ears and bright blue eyes.

"Hi?" I said warily. I didn't really trust him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Travis Stoll!" he said. "Supreme son of Hermes and King of The World! My brother Connor is Prince of The World because I'm older. Therefore I'm the King!"

I crossed my arms stubbornly. "You're not King of The World!" I aurgued.

"I am so!"

"Then where's your crown?"

Travis looked confused. He brightened almost immediately. "I'm not wearing it right now because it's uncomfortable!" he proclaimed.

I snorted. "Yeah, right! I bet you wouldn't even be a good king!"

Travis pretended to be hurt. "I am so a good king! Name at least one person who would be a better king than me!" he said.

"Everyone!" I cried.

Travis pouted. "You're so mean! You keep insulting me!"

I immediately softened. "I wasn't trying to be mean! You could be a good king!"

Travis sudden;y laughed. I realized he had been faking sadness.

"You fell for it!" He did a little happy-dance. "Connor owes me me 15 drachmas!"

I scowled. Travis ran. "See ya, Katie-kat!" he called. People laughed as he shot past.

I chased after him. "Get back here Travis Stoll!"

And that's how Tratie met! I don't know when Katie came to camp but I made it when was 10.

I know this was short and crappy, but I'm sorry. I had really bad Writer's Block.

Q: How old is Percy in the beginnning of TLO?

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