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"You play with hearts as if they are toys.
Forgetting that those hearts already have owners
You steal these hearts and though you return them,
You leave them battered and bruised "

Yuri has decided that if Sarah wants to force herself into his life, he might as well make use of her.

She's cute enough, and just barley entertaining enough.

She'll make as a decent distraction for now.

Plus, he's beginning to understand that the pretty brown-eyed girl isn't much of a challenge. All he needs are a couple of smooth words, moves of manipulation, and a indifferent aura, and he knows he's got her hooked.

He will let her do the chasing.
He hasn't chased after a girl since his sophomore year and he doesn't plan to do that again any time soon.

Mr. Misty EyedWhere stories live. Discover now