The Stanislav Brothers Chapter 6

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(Not Edited)


A beeping sound and arguing woke me up but I didn't open my eyes, everything hurt.

“-She's human dumb ass!“

“Don't speak to me like that. I'm your mother.”

“We haven't had a blood test to prove that.”

“Colton Stanislav! I'm your mother, show some respect.”

“Yeah yeah.”

“Your father and I didn't raise you boys to treat women this way, especially your mate.”

“Well you and dad are in no place to give advice. You're not even together.”

I heard her huff. “What if someone treated your little sister this way?”

“Then he would die a long painful slow death. We'll start with pulling every tooth out, then his nails, then work our way to his eyes and hang them on his family's Christmas tree.”

“Cade!” She gasped.

“You're the one who asked. And you can open your eyes Bree we know you're awake.” I didn't want to move in fear of causing myself more pain. I felt a hand on my forehead and jumped.

“I’ts OK sweetheart, open your eyes.”

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a nice hospital room. This place was nothing like a regular hospital,. The flat screen was huge, the curtains were white. In front of the window sat a couch, two glass end tables with white lamps, a glass accent table and two white chairs. There was a mini fridge in the corner. I looked up to see a pretty woman smiling with bright blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair.

“I'm Annalise, their mother.”

“How are feeling?” Tears came to my eyes.

“Everything hurts.”

“Pathetic.” Colton growled. I just ignored him.

“I'm so sorry sweetie. I don't know what's wrong with them. I'll get you something for the pain.”

She unlocked a cabinet and came back with a needle. I felt myself relax as soon as it was entered into my IV.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Now onto business. I cleaned up all of your wounds and put healing cream on them. I'll send a nurse over to wash and put antibiotic cream on everything so they won't get infected. This pain medication should help. I want you in bed and resting your body needs to heal.

“Thank you.”

“None of that. You're my daughter now and family takes care of each other. As for you three, don't bother her she needs rest. If you keep this behavior up I'll find a way to help her disappear.” They growled.

“She's ours!” I jumped and the heart monitor started beeping like crazy.

“You're scaring her! Calm down sweetie just breathe. All better?” I nodded yes.

“Do you need help getting dressed? I can send someone to help.” I looked at the guys then back to her. I didn't want to piss them off again.

“Out you go.”

“Hell no. We're not letting some pervert help get her dressed, we'll do it.” She glared at them and cam huffed.

“We won't hurt her.” She kissed my head and smiled.

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