💛How he asked you out💛

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You had been Jack's good friend for a long time, he was really close to your family. One day your sister was on her phone texting someone and randomly blurted out "Y/N! We should go to the beach! Come on I'll drive lets go pack your things come on!!!" "Uhhhh.... Ok that was a bit weird but it's pretty hot out so lets go" You said a little surprised. 

When you arrived at the beach your sister dragged you down onto the sand where you saw words written in it with rose petals scattered. You looked up and saw a blushing Jack holding flowers. You read the words "Y/N, Will you be my girlfriend?" That were written in the sand, with your sister squealing with delight, you looked at him and said "Yes, Jack. I would love to be your girlfriend" You both smiled and you ran to hug him, he picked you up and twirled you round "I've wanted to hear those words from you for so long" He spoke into your neck.


You have had a crush on Corbyn for a little while now, although you had no idea he felt the same way. Corbyn is great friends with your brother, Mat, Mat knows that Corbyn would never do anything to hurt you. One day you were sitting in your room and Mat asked you to come to the lounge, you had no clue what was going on so you just did as he asked. You got there and saw Corbyn holding a giant teddy bear, blushing he walked up to you and said "Y/n, I've had a crush on you for so long, you are perfect in every way and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" You stood there, shocked as the man of your dreams just asked you on a date. "Yes Corbyn, I'd be honored" You said back blushing.


You and your best friend were chilling at a local cafe when a group of boys came up to you, dressed in suspenders and bow ties. They started singing a song to you, you looked at them and noticed that Daniel, your crush was singing and playing the guitar while looking at you. After there 'performance' all the boys stood back and one of them pushed Daniel toward you, leaving a small sace between you both. He just stood there blushing and finally said "ahh Y/n, I've liked you for a long time and was wondering if you would go on a date with me??" Everyone looked at you, the boys, your best friend, even the people sitting at the tables around the cafe. "Yes, I would love to" You said sheepishly while staring into his beautiful ocean eyes. Everyone around you started cheering as you hugged Daniel. His friends were hooting and your best friend was squealing and filming you. She soon got up and stood in between you and Daniel, "You hurt her, I'll chop your dick off" She said while looking at him. He blushed and spoke "I would never hurt her, ever. ok?" 


You were at a carnival with Jonah, he had asked you to come to it with him last week. You were on the Ferris wheel and the sun was setting, he had his arm around you and you were cuddled up with him. Everyone knew you both had 'a thing' for each other, but you were both to scared to tell each other. When you got to the top, he turned to face you, he held your hand and looked into your eyes. "Y/n, you are the most beautiful person I've ever met, you are so smart and funny, will you go on a date with me? like a proper date not just to the carnival" Jonah said, "Of course Jonah, I can't wait" You both blushed and you cuddled up to him as he put his chin on your head.


You and your friends were going to the cinema to see "It". You had never liked horror movies, but all of your squad were going so you just went with it. Since you started liking Zach, the whole group became awkward, but that didn't stop you all from staying great friends. All 10 of you got into your seats and the movie began. When it got scary you covered your eyes, no one noticed except for Zach, who was sitting next to you. Your face was burried in your hands and you felt an arm go around you, you looked up and saw Zach hugging you, telling you it was ok and it was only a movie, it wasn't real life. You felt so safe in his arms, like you were protected and comfortable. When the movie finished he still had his arm around you, when everyone was walking to there cars, you felt Zach pulling you back a bit. You looked at eachother and he said "Y/n... ahh.. I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time.. will you go on a date with me?" You stood there for a minute and finally said "Yes Zach, I would love to" You ran to tell your best friend but they were already gone. So Zach said he'd drive you home. He gave you a hug and dropped you off. You walked inside and got a text from him. "Had a great time tonight, can't wait to hang out again xx"


Thanks for reading!!! Word count: 907

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