"You two should have a talk."

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"Time out, all of you! Maybe you'll find some skill before next practice!" Coach Haxus shouts to a very exhausted football team.

A young man who goes by the name of Shiro,-otherwise known as Takashi, groans loudly, dragging his two feet to a nearby bench. It was a bright and sunny day, but sadly spring break didn't get you out of football practice.

"Maybe if I just shoot myself I won't have to put up with this hellhole bullshit anymore." The teen announced cheerily, to himself. He turned his attention, when a weight rest down on the space beside him.

"Jeez why didn't I think of that? I could be haunting all you sorry bitches right now." A light, familiar voice, owned by none other than his meme loving boyfriend; Matt Holt, responded. He chuckled faintly, with an eye roll. Where was Shiro going after practice again? Ah yes, now he remembers. Him and Keith were going to catch up, they haven't talked a lot since their peaceful breakup a few weeks ago, and Keith thought they should hang.

"I should get going before Kogane thinks I blew him off. But I'll see you later babe?" The brunette asked, intertwining their fingers. The Holt boy nodded with a smile before pressing a kiss to his boyfriends knuckles.

"Yep, and text me after. Or I might get jealous." He winked, standing up, and released their hold.

Once he was gone Takashi shook his head with a smile, Matthew Holt sure was one dorky teenager. He soon messaged Keith, and they met up at Mamora's Diner; a futuristic themed restaurant that the mullet child had recently become obsessed with.

Shiro found Keith near the front and they did the 'bro hug', a very fashionable guy trend. The young Kogane looked a bit eager, like something was on his mind.

"So Keith, is there anything specific you wanted to talk about?" The buffer of the two asked with a small smirk. Keith sighed, and looked at his friend with a debating gaze.

"Yeah actually. Um, now I'm not a hundred percent certain, but Lance has been acting really sketchy for a while now. He seems worried about something, and I'm not sure what. I've noticed him hanging around Allura a lot, and I think I've got a good idea what it's about." The black haired adolescent explained all professional-like.

Shiro put on a surprised face before responding. "Oh Keith. I don't think Lance would ever cheat with Allura, if that's what you're worried about." Keith tilted his head sideways before processing what the footballer player had insinuated.

"Oh! No, that's not it. You see..again I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I'm getting the feeling Allura might have a thing for you. And you're in a happy relationship, so I think she might be a little down in the dumps."

Shiro was genuinely shocked. Allura sure was a beautiful woman, but he'd never thought about her like...that. "What? I don't think so." Keith rolled his eyes at his friends oblivious remark, and decided it couldn't be helped.

"Believe what you want Shiro. I'm just saying maybe you two should have a talk."

He picked up his bag, leaving the neat building, with a wave.

Shiro definitely needed to figure this all out.


I smiled brightly, as I entered my apartment to the sight of my loving boyfriend, cuddled up with Red on the couch.

"Honey you're home!" Lance called hinting with sarcasm. I snuggled in beside him happily, this was very much needed, he's been a bit...distant.

"How'd it go with Shiro?" He asked slightly narrowing his eyes. I laughed and planted a soft kiss to his nose, lightening him up immediately.

"Don't be jelly~"

The cat hopped off his lap and pranced to the kitchen, as he pressed a slower kiss to my lips. I began to run my fingers through his soft brown locks, climbing onto his lap. Lance wrapped his arms around my waist right as his phone began ringing.

He not-so-subtly shoved me off his lap and rushed to the mood killing device. Leaving me personally offended.

"Allura? Is everything-
Oh whew,
Yeah I can meet you there
Nah, don't worry about it."

As he carefully placed his phone against the table, Lance looked over to see my sour expression.


I widened my eyes in disbelief. Is he fucking joking? "Don't 'what' me, you're totally abandoning me here. I thought you wanted to spend the rest of the day together.." I said, stating the obvious.

Lance looked taken aback, before letting out a slight chuckle, and running a hand through his messy hair. "Oh babe, don't worry we can spend time together any time." The blue eyed hottie-who I am still very pissed at, stated idiotically.

"That's not the problem here Lance. You've been blowing me off constantly, always out with Allura, which I get because she's your best friend, it's just." I paused and sighed deeply.
"-Its just, I feel like you're hiding something from me."

As I look up to see expression, I'm surprised to see he actually looks guilty. He is hiding something from me..

"Keith I-" Lance steps towards me with extended arms, but I pull back.

"Save it." After wiping my left cheek, I storm out. Maybe now that Lance's with me he's realized he doesn't actually care about me. Maybe he just liked the idea of me.



"Keith wait-!" I call, but it's too late. He's already out of hearing distance.
"Fucking fuck! Dammit Allura, you are going to get one earful tonight."

My Bloody Love-Triangle ||SEQUEL|| Shallura\Shatt(Miro)Where stories live. Discover now