You Sons a'Bitches

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Granted, I should've knocked, but I've just gotten so used to it after we dated. I sure as hell am glad I didn't though, or else I would've missed this sight for sore eyes.

Shiro and Allura looked over to me panicked.

"Um..knock knock?"

Shiro stood up guiltily, folding both hands neatly behind his back, as my shocked expression turned to one of anger.

"Oh and what the fuck is this?! Do you just get bored with people after a while?! Because poor, oblivious Matt is standing right outside, and he would be devastated if he saw this. I used to look up to you but now I realize you're just a self centered asshole."

Gah! It's like everyone I trust are just a bunch of liars! And there's nothing I hate more than liars...

Shiro looked absolutely mortified at my outburst. Almost on the break of tears, which is unusual considering the 'dad figure' never cries.


"Save it. I'm gonna go outside and me and Matt are going anywhere else but here." As I went to leave, I stopped remembering one last thing.
"-Oh and don't worry, I won't tell Matt. That's your burden. The blood is on your hands."

I slammed the door. 'sons a'bitches.'

Matt smiled at me goofily from the curb, 'oh so innocent, my poor son.' I thought sadly. Wow. I'm such a mom.

I lightly jogged over to where he stood, him holding his phone carefully.

"Hey Keith! So I texted Lance, aaand his day is going horrible. He says he's been eating his feelings and is.." Matt paused as he re-read the text, with squinted eyes. "'Feeling blue, misses red, and wants to be purple' ? I don't know what that's all about."

I chuckled at my boyfriends adorableness, before sighing.

"Just go see him doofus." Matt suggested with a smirk.

"No no," I crossed my arms childlike, with a dramatic sense of hurt. "He lied and is still lying to me, and when he's ready to be honest, I'll talk to him."

The oldest Holt laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets. "You're so grumpy. Ah well, until then ya got me to hang out with, let's go inside."

Uh oh. We can't go in there...

"Heh! Actually, uh let's go do something else."

Matt paused eyeing my face cautiously, before smiling lightly.
"Oh, Uh sure!"

If he asks though, I am going to have to tell him the truth. Because there is nothing I hate more, than liars.


"Dammit! I'm such an idiot!" Shiro announced, running a hand through his hair.

He turned to Allura when he heard loud, indigested coughing.

"Hey are you okay?!"

Shiro placed a hand on her shoulder as the coughing became violent. Allura gave his warm hand a squeeze, before running past him and out the door.

She found her way to a nearby gas station, emptying her bloody insides into the already unclean, toilet. After a while she messaged Lance her location, to which he soon arrived.

"Allura! Oh shit, I'm so sooo sorry.." He rushed to her side, wrapping an arm around her. "Are you okay? Ugh I'm the worst best friend ever, I should've been here sooner."

Allura cried loudly, as she tugged on his sleeve; trying to get his attention.

"What wrong?"

She jerked her head towards the toilet... that was full of green 💚 pedals.

Lance let out a noise somewhere between a groan and a whine, loudly, as he pulled her into another hug. He sounded kinda like a whale, causing her to laugh weakly.

"That's it. We're telling someone Allura!"

She inhaled, calming herself. 'I'm a strong, collected woman.'

"But Lance-"

"No ifs, ands, or buts, about it! They deserve to know..."

Allura smiled sadly at the thought of her group. They were like family; Hunk, Pidge, Keith, Lance, Shiro, and even their newest edition Matt! Had all become a safe haven to her. She hated lying to her family, and knew she'd have to tell them the truth. The whole truth.

"I kissed Shiro."

Have you ever seen that gif? You know the one? With the guy blinking because he cannot believe what he'd just heard?

Yeah. That was Lance.

"You. Did. What?!?!"

Allura winced with a guilty chuckle. But when she saw Lance's stern, uncommon expression she knew he meant business. "I know! Okay! It was stupid, but for that short minute, I could finally breath again! Real, smooth, soft air. Not this disastrous, garbage I wouldn't wish on that brat who told Pidge she was too stupid for robotics. Real air."

Lance sighed. He knew that feeling.. it was the feeling he got when he woke up to Keith, snuggled comfortably in his arms. The feeling he takes for granted.

"I understand. But Matt is still in the picture, and before anybody makes another move on this fucked up chess board we call life; he needs to know."

Matt was her family too now. And Lance was right. He needed to know.

My Bloody Love-Triangle ||SEQUEL|| Shallura\Shatt(Miro)Where stories live. Discover now