Honesty Hurts.

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"You little bitch." I responded in a prickly voice.

Pidge did nothing but laugh at my comment, earning a low whine. "Keith I'm sorry, do you know how much I would love to marathon Star Wars again? But I can't, I told you already, me and Lotor have been wanting to check out this planetarium forever and-"

"Yeah yeah, your new boyfriend is more important than your best friend." I winced as Red climbed over me to get to her food bowl. My fault I guess, for sprawling out across the living room carpet.

"Keith! He's not my boyfriend, it's just Hunk said him and Shay might drop by as well, and I told you I was sorry!"

I sighed loudly with a sad laugh. "I get it. Bye."

"Keith don't you-"

I pressed my finger against the red button, as a loud text alert caught my attention.

Allura: I'm really sorry you had to witness that it was just horrible of me, and I'm going to tell Matt.

Keith: I understand why you did what you did, but BITCH don't you dare tell Matt! Shiro needs to be punished and this is the only way!!

Allura: But Keith! You said it yourself! Lying's bad, even if it is just a sceret.

Allura: Secret*

Keith: you're right, but Shiro has to be the one to do it, its honorable.

Matt: You two do know this is the group chat... what the hell is going on? Tell me what?

Oh shit. I move my gaze to the top of the screen that reads; 'Rainbow Junkies'. Fuck! Now Matt knows something's up and I'm gonna have to be honest.

Keith: Matt theres something you should know...

Matt: Okay???

Shiro: Keith. Stop.

Shiro: Matt come over. I need to talk to you.

Matt: You're scaring me...But

Matt: omw.

I tossed my phone beside me. Matt's become a really good friend and I hope this doesn't ruin their relationship, romantic or not.

A shadow looms over me, and I look up with teary eyes. Lance is leaned over me with the same expression.


"I miss you..."

A tear from Keith's filled eyes, finally spills over as he smiles up at me. "Get down here." He leans up and pulls at my collar, tugging me down with him. I snuggle my head into his chest, inhaling the amazing, and familiar scent.

"I'm sorry for keeping secrets...they're just not mine to tell.." I stated quietly. When I got no response I lifted my head to find him already staring at me. "Are you angry?" I whispered softy.

Keith shook his head, causing his to bangs fall gracefully across his face. I climbed up and placed a light kiss to his forehead, before sitting on his stomach.

His voice cracked faintly when he spoke,
"I missed you too..."


Matt's nerves were off the hinges at he walked through the frosty night air. It was the same trail Keith had showed him, and he'd remembered where the duplex was. The Holt boy wore a soft 'Transformers' t-shirt, and some blue skinny jeans, along with a comfy pair of his dark green converse.

The blonde took a deep breath as he reached the home, soon knocking firmly on the door. He distracted himself by staring at the small bugs, who quickly swarmed Takakshi's porch light, until the door finally opened.

Shiro looked Matt fearfully in the eye, stepping aside as his boyfriend tipped in gently. "So~ you gonna tell me what this is all about? Or am I just gonna have to keep jumping to conclusions, and assuming the worst?" Matt joked humorlessly, with a small forced smile.

Shiro ignored the question, instead taking him by the hand and quietly leading the football player to the dining table; mentally preparing for what he was about to say.

He held Matt's hands tightly as they sat.



I forced a chuckle, although it accidentally came out angry. Was is accidental?
"Ha. Ha. Very funny Shiro." I knew what was coming, but I needed to buy some time to rebuild the walls around my heart; so that the blow would hurt less. I could feel my eyes begin to sting so I pried them closed.

"I'm not joking..." he said sorrowfully, his hold on my hands tightening, before I snatched them away.


"Matt it wasn't her f-"

I stood up quickly, knocking the chair over in the process. "Her. Hah, I should've known..Gosh I'm such an idiot!" I turned the other way cradling my face in my hands.

"No don't blame yourself." Shiro said panicked.

"Oh I don't. And as much as I would relish in blaming you..I like to think of myself as a thoughtful person, and sometimes one simply cannot control their actions." I took a deep breath, facing him and putting on a smile.
"Now. Do you care about her."

"What? I've been with you! I never even had a chance to think about my feelings for Allura!" He shouted in plea.

Allura. Now I get it.

I sighed, wrapping my arms around my small frame. "Well maybe take some time to think about what you feel for her. Because clearly it's something."

I sped walked to the porch before my voice had a chance to crack, and let out a small whimper of pain; immediately covering my mouth with my hand and running.


My Bloody Love-Triangle ||SEQUEL|| Shallura\Shatt(Miro)Where stories live. Discover now