Who is gonna save you now?

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The next morning, you woke up and saw Infinite looking at you. You first jumped, but then giggled. "Good morning, Infinite," you said. "Good morning, sweetie," he said back. You both kissed, and got out of bed. "So...let me ask you something," you said. "After you got your face covered with your mask, what did you do after that?" Infinite then looked at you, and said, "I let go off the old me. The one that was so weak and pathetic. And so I put the mask one with the Phantom Ruby fused in me to show everyone the new me." You walked to him and cupped his cheeks. "Infinite," you said, softly. "Yes...?" He said,slowly blushing. "Stay the old you," you said. "I like the old you better." "The weak, afraid, and pathetic one?" He asked. "No. The one that was himself. That one the proved that he was so strong with his sword. The one that let's out his handsomeness and doesn't hide his face in a mask." He blushed deeply, and he formed a huge smile. "Okay...okay. I'll stay the old me," he said. "Yay!" You cheered, holding him. "I love you, Infinite," you smiled. He smiled back and put the mask on saying, "I love you too __________."

So look around you and tell me what really see....

You live a lie and that's the difference in you and me....

I have the power let me show you what it's all about....

It's only me and you who is gonna save you now...?

Infinite: *whispers* Who is gonna save you now...? 😉

Infinite: Me~~~.

Infinite X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now