Prolouge: Miranda is Psychic, apparently

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Lotor: Alright, this is a prologue from Miranda's view. And also, there actually is a character named Miranda in the comics, and she really is Danny's sister.

With that, here is the prologue to Voltron: Defenders of Peace.

Ten years ago, if you has asked ten year old Miranda Rand-Kai if she believed that Empire of the Hand had fallen, she would have celebrated. She would have hugged you and screamed on top of her lungs out of sheer happiness before asking her guardian Tony to take her and her five year old brother Danny home.

If you had asked the same question five years ago, Miranda would have been unsure. Surely you would have been joking, but she was eventually smile and perhaps shed a tear or two out of happiness. She would then drag Zhou out of his books to head back home.

Today? She would have scoffed and wondered how drunk you were. At this point, it's impossible to stop the Hand without Voltron. Even if you presented her with the lions that made Voltron and told her that you would defeat the Hand tomorrow, she would have laughed. With each day that passed, the Hand grew stronger, so it seemed impossible to stop them now.

Especially considering that she had seen how brutal the Hand was on several occasions firsthand.

And each time she saw what the Hand was capable of, she could see why Zhou, her tactician, was always plastered (or at least one reason. Zhou had various reasons, and thinking about it made Miranda frown). It would also explain why Tony would join him on a few occasions, despite the fact that Tony's orders from her father was to not drink while caring for Miranda and Danny. Sometimes she wanted to join in, but initially she was too young. Now? It seemed.... Irresponsible to do so. Especially considering if the three adults hiding in Tony's ancestral home on planet Hekur, who knows what kind of trouble Danny would get himself into. Miranda loved her brother Danny to death, but sometimes he was a bit of a prankster....


Miranda, who had been staring at the stars and thinking about the Hand, jumped a little and turned quickly. Danny stood there in his pajamas, and he fiddled with his shirt.

"Yes Danny?" Miranda says.

Danny remains quiet before he eyes Miranda. "Do you know if we're going to retake Ku'n-Lun? I.... I want to see what it's like...."

Miranda sighs and looks back at the sky for a second before facing Danny once more. "I'm afraid it's not possible."

"Why not?" Danny demands.

Miranda remains silent. "Various reasons. We don't have the resources or the manpower to do so. If we were to launch an attack now, we would just be handing our abilities over to the Hand on a silver platter. And they would use us as examples of defiance."

Danny pouts and crosses his arms. "We could use the Black Lion. I mean it's powerful enough to take out an armada..."

"Danny, that ships has been deactivated for years. Even if it was on by some miracle, it would have needed the four other lions here with their paladins, and it would have to accept its paladin. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us to pilot the lions, and the other four lions are who knows where."

"Oh....." Danny muttered dejectedly.

Miranda cursed herself inwardly. She hated seeing Danny so sad and hopeless, especially if she was the reason why he was dejected. His energy and cheerfulness was part of what made the Stark Manor seem lively and happy as opposed to a somber tomb. Sighing, Miranda stands up from the ledge she was sitting on that was next to her window, and crosses her room towards her brother. She places her hands on his face to get him to look at her. He looks up, and she smiles weakly.

"Hey. Don't lose hope just yet. Look, it's quite possible that we could get Voltron to fight for us." Danny's eyes widen, prompting Miranda to continue. "We just need someone from one of the planets that happens to be holding a lion to connect with it and find people that can also connect with the other lions. Then we'll have a chance."

Okay, the odds of that happening are kind of low, Miranda thinks to herself. But I can't discourage Danny.....

Danny breaks into a smile. "That's possible?" His eyes sparkle with hope, making Miranda smile for real.

"Yes. Now go to bed. I don't care if you're 15 and can more or less make a few decisions for yourself. Zhou will absolutely hand you your ass if you show up exhausted to training tomorrow. And Tony will probably hand me my ass in training tomorrow if I'm exhausted as well, so I'm going to bed."

Danny immediately pouts. "Do I have to?"

"Yes. Now stop acting like a child and get some sleep."


With one last hug, Danny smiled and left to go to his room. Miranda smiled until he closed the door, and sighed as she plopped herself onto her bed.


Such a major emotion, one that Miranda hasn't truly felt in years. Sure, she has been hopeful about Danny being more serious about his training, but hoping for K'un-Lun to be freed?

That hope died when she saw the Hand execute innocent civilians when the planet of Sakaar fell two years ago.

But.... It would be nice to feel hopeful again. It would make her smile more, and perhaps help Danny with annoying Tony and Zhou.

Miranda rolled onto her side and began to drift off to sleep, ready to wake in seven hours.

And in eight hours, her entire world would be flipped upside down, and she would finally experience hope once more.

But for now, she had no idea what was to come.

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