Chapter 1

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The campus of Lancaster University was filled with a cacophony of activities. The day of moving into the dorms was always hectic. Vehicles were flowing in and out like on a freeway, while the students moved hurriedly; transporting suitcases and travelling bags much larger than the size many thought they should be.

Suzanne Davidson sat in the passenger seat of her brother's Dark blue Bentley, taking in the state of their hustle and bustle. The anticipation of what the new school year had to offer brought an unspoken thrill in everyone's heart, except hers. Her recent diagnosis was unexpected and unwanted, but it was still there.

She exited the exquisite vehicle and stood on the pavement beside it. Her rich dark brown hair glinted golden in the sunlight and her skin glowed. The floral print sundress which she wore was captivating and to her oblivion many heads turned in her direction.

The door to the driver's side of the vehicle opened and her brother, Andrew, exited as well. With intense chocolate brown eyes, a stern jawline, a hint of humor and a toned body, he defined the term tall, dark and handsome. Charmer as he might be with women though, when it came to his sister there were a few things he unfortunately didn't feel the need to do. He had no choice whatsoever with the task of fetching her bags and a small wan smile crept unto Suzanne's face.

They were so many things that could change within a short period of time. She would give anything to turn back the hands of time. Anything to stop herself from being in the position she was in. The pealing sound of laughter caught her attention and she looked just at the right moment to see scene unfold. A little girl with short curly black hair stood toe-to-toe, against who appeared to be her older brother. Her small hands were on her hips and she tilted up her head of curls, to glare up at his face from her height.

She removed one hand from her hip, to point at the tiny pink boot on her right foot, with a loosed lace. Her sibling loaded with heavy bags was reluctant to do her bidding, but when the girl didn't budge to help herself, he gave in. It seemed like he had temporarily forgotten about his bags, because when he leaned down to help her, he ended up toppling over. Face first at the girl's feet, who broke into a fit of giggles.

Suzanne could not help herself and another smile - a real one this time, broke out on her face at the little girl's determination.

"What has you splitting your face in two, Anne?" Andrew asked.

"Nothing," Suzanne responded with a careless shrug. "I just wish you could face-plant at my feet like that."

Andrew turned to look at his sister's expression, then, he spoke. "What have I done to deserve that? And how can I increase my chances of becoming the best brother ever?" he asked.

"You can start, by not scaring away every guy who throws an appreciative look in my direction," Suzanne informed him seriously.

Andrew snorted. "Anyone who is really interested in you won't be scared of me," he said.

"I hope there is at least one of those out there to help me out," Suzanne murmured, but Andrew still managed to hear her barely audible statement.

"I am sorry I couldn't protect your from what happened," he said apologetically, with a hint of non-deserving guilt.

"Its not your fault, Drew," Suzanne said softly.

"Are you okay with...this...uh, falling in love thing? I mean you are still in university. You are young, you should have sometime to play around and break a few hearts," he said with a sad half-smile.

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