Chapter 7

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Since I am suspended and grounded, I stay in my room for most of the day. My birthday is tomorrow, which also means that my sweet 16 birthday is probably cancelled, DAMN IT! While I try and finish one of my assignment’s which is on Ancient Greece, I hear loud noises coming from down stairs. I course down the stairs silently, not wanting to disturb Matt and his girlfriend’s “make-out session”. When I step into the living room I see Matt and Gale wrestling on the couch, I sigh and cough to get their attention. Gale watches my every movement as I stand in front of him in my short pink skirt, ripped fish nets, and halter neck. I roll my eyes as he checks me out,

“Hi Matt” I say not troubled for his reply.

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of cordial, as I walk out of the room Gale walks in brushing his shoulder against mine, which makes me shiver, I turn to him

“What’s your problem?” I yell

 “Wha-what do you mean?” he asks confused

“Don’t worry” I sigh and walk out of the kitchen

I run down the stairs back to my assignment. A few minutes later, I hear a knock on the door, I turn around to see Gale standing at my door “what do you want” I say irritated by his little cocky smile, that charms every girl, but not me. He walks in and sits on the edge of my bed.

“Seriously! What do you want from me?” I ask again, my anger reaching its top.

“I don’t know what I did? But why are you angry with me?” he says in a miserable edge in his voice.

“I’m not angry with you!” I assure him with a smile.

“So were all cool… right?” he says hesitantly.

“Yeah” I say, hopeful that he’ll buy it. “So what you doing?” he chants.

“Assignments” I sigh!

He walks over to the table I sit at and stares at the piece of paper. “Get off the chair” he says. I walk around the chair as he sits and starts writing on the piece of paper, hopefully he knows what he’s doing I think over in my head. Getting bored I lean against his back while I watch him scribble down words. I gaze at how every time he writes his jaw’s flex.

Its 6pm by the time he finishes my assignment. He turns the chair and hums a tune while I sit on his lap reading the assignment. Once I finish reading, I death stare my brother as he croons “Gale and Alice sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G”. Gale gets a pencil and throws in on Matt’s head. I start giggling when Gale and Matt start to wrestle on my bed. Mum walks into my room shocked to see Matt and Gale fighting.

“Ok boys, stop fighting, PLEASE!” mum fusses. 


I end up walking to Gale’s house; he opens the door with the key that’s under the front door flower pot, he winks at me as I follow his hands as he shoves the key in the key hole. I walk into the massive house, he pushes me into the living room, I gasp as I gaze around at the big TV, Xbox, PlayStation and other games!

“This is like a dream come true” I whisper. He chuckles, and gives me a nudge towards the flight of stairs. I slowly walk upstairs, him right behind me. He points to his room, I walk into it, gazing around at all his painting’s, “you paint?” I ask confused.

“Not really” he says in a flat tone.

I walk over and sit on his bed, “you play guitar?” I ask

“Yeah” he says

I pass him the guitar “what?” he asks “I wanna hear a tune” I say forcing the guitar in his hands. He starts to play. “I haven’t seen your father?” I say after he puts the guitar down.

“Yeah I know, you won’t get to see him” he says flatly

“Why?” I ask

“Cause’ he’s dead!” I see his face sadden. 

“How!” I say shocked.

“Cancer!” he says, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

“Well, at least your dad didn’t cheat on your mum” I say, wanting to lighten the mood.

“Can we please stop talking about this” he asks

“Yeap” I say quickly, not wanting to piss him off. 


His sister runs up into his arms, “who’s this?” she asks. “The girl that lives next door” he says, taking a lock of hair and putting it behind her small ears. “Hi” she puts out her hands, for me to shake it. She runs back down stairs, I get of the bed and head for the door.

“Where are you going?” he asks

“Home” I say walking out of the door. He rushes behind me “Wait! Stay for dinner” he holds my hand. I let go and walk down stairs, “please, stay” he grips my hand again. I stare at our hands entwined together before I answer “sure".

“Cool” he says still holding my hand, we walk down the stairs. I hear plates hitting each other, we walk into the kitchen, Gale’s sister sets the table, while his mum is at the counter mixing a bowl of salad. “Hey, mum can Alice stay for dinner?” he asks “sure thing honey” she replies with a massive smile. 

We eat in silent till Gale’s little sister introduces herself, “my name is Alexis, I’m 6 years old and I love painting” she smiles “hey Alexis, my name is Alice I’m turning 16 tomorrow and I love cheerleading” I reply.

“My brother can’t stop talking about you” she says while looking at Gale, he gives her a death stare. I place my hand on his lap, he looks at me, I shake my head and whisper “don’t be mean!” His mum chuckles and walks over to me, “he does like you” she whispers in my ear while taking my plate. He groans and tickles Alexis, she giggles. 

We play on the Xbox till Alexis falls asleep on the sofa, Gale and I carry her up to her room and quietly walk back down. Gale walks me back to my house, which I complained since we live next to each other, but you know boys they never listen. When I walk up to the front door, he reaches in to kiss me. First it was just a peck, but then he reaches in for a deeper kiss. I smile at him and walk into the house, shutting the door just enough to watch him walk back to his door. I wave and head inside.

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