Cheater! Lin Chung X Reader

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Reader's POV

I was happily walking down one of the many corridors of Big Green. Suddenly, the alarm sounded and I ran to First Squad meeting place. We all jumped down our tubes. I fell onto my turtle, right next to my boyfriend, Lin Chung. I smiled over at the grey-haired male and he smiled back. We raced to the scene.
"Help!!!" Screamed Rattle Diva from a cage hanging over a tub of boiling.... Glue?!
"This is a new low, High Roller!" I shouted at the man "They were all out of lava!" He shouted back
I growled and the gang sprang into action. Lin Chung went after Rattle Diva while me and the others held off High Roller's goons. I used my bow and arrow to pin down the goons. I looked over my shoulder to see how Lin was doing.

That was my mistake.

I saw the worst thing I could ever imagine. Rattle Diva was kissing my boyfriend. I expected him to push her away and reject her... But he didn't.
"(Y/N)! Look out!" I heard Jumpy yell
Then I felt an object smack against my head and I fell into darkness.

Lin Chung's POV
I looked over from the kiss I was sharing with the beautiful Rattle Diva... and watched my girlfriend get hit in the head with a club. I jumped as I watched her fall to the ground. I pushed away Rattle Diva. "What's wrong Lin Chung?" Rattle Diva asked
"(Y/N) ..." I said and started to walk away when Diva grabbed my arm
"Oh, forget about her, stay here with me!" Diva insisted
I watched as Jumpy picked up my girlfriend and rode off with her.

(Time skip)

(Y/N)'s POV
I groaned as I slowly woke up. The light of the medical room mixed with the whiteness blinded me momentarily, I lifted my arm up and covered my eyes. I sat up to be greeted with the worried faces of my teammates
"Are you OK?!" Ray asked, worriedly
"My head hurts..." I said softly and rubbed my head, only to feel the cloth bandages around it
"(Y/N) got hit! Really badly... red stuff came out." Jumpy managed to say with his limited knowledge of the language of humans. I gently patted the bunny's head. Lin Chung burst into the room and came to my side.
"Are you alright (Y/N)?" He asked worriedly.
Jumpy started to growl at Lin Chung. This was EXTREMELY rare for Jumpy to do to anyone at Big Green, especially Lin Chung. I patted his head.
"I have nothing to say to you Lin Chung." I said lowly.
"What? I watched my girlfriend get hit! I need to know if you're ok!" He insisted "(Y/N) no longer Lin Chung's girlfriend... Lin Chung kissed Rattle Diva." Jumpy growled in his broken English.
"That is correct Jumpy. Lin, consider me an ex. What you did is unforgivable." I said, agreeing with Jumpy
Lin Chung bowed his head in shame and walked out of the room. Rattle Diva walked in as he was leaving, she put her arms around him only to be pushed off. Lin walked out.
No one at Big Green has seen him for 2 months since then.
(I'm sorry if it sucks since it was hard to do this to someone like Lin who is really hard to imagine as a cheater. I know its short but like I said, it was hard to imagine a scenario for Lin. If it were someone like Ray, then that would be a lot easier. But thank you to the person who requested this and I hope to make more of these lovely one shots in the future! This hurt me to write for Lin Chung... XD)

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