Lin Chung X Werewolf! Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking around Big Green. I said hi to Wolf King before heading to the main area. My tail was wagging as my ears perked up at the sight of my friends and brother. My brother is Jumpy, although we aren't blood related, we've known each other since our childhood, and we treat each other like siblings. I walked over and took my spot next to Mystique Sonia. She beamed at me.

"Hey (Y/N)! Sit in front of me! I want to do something with your ears!" She said excitedly.

My wolf ears cocked in confusion.

"What do you want to do with her ears?" I heard Lin Chung ask from across the room. He'd always be curious when someone wants to do anything with my tail, paws, or tail.

You see, I'm a wolf hybrid. I have the body of a human, except my hands which were wolf paws. Atop my head were fluffy grey wolf ears, and on my bottom, was a fluffy wolf tail with a white tip.

I sat in front of Sonia despite Lin Chung's huff of protest. I heard Sonia put something in her hands and rubbed them together. "Now don't move otherwise I'll mess up, and neither of us want that to happen!" She said.

I went frozen as she touched my ears, I tried hard not to move. My ears were one of my weak spots when touched the right way. I tried not to make my leg bounce, a normal reaction when my ears are petted.

After about 30 minutes my ears were dry after Sonia had put some wet liquid on them. She then handed me a mirror and I looked at my ears. I smiled when I saw that she had merely dyed them a white color, which was Lin's favorite color if I remember correctly.

"It looks good Sonia!" I smiled at her.

"Let's go show the others!" She smiled back and we went to go find everyone.

(Time skip)

All we have now is to find Lin Chung.

"I have to go do something really quick. I'll find you later!" Sonia said before running off. I smiled and waved and went off to find the grey-haired male.

I eventually found him in the meeting area. "Lin Chung!" I smiled as I saw him sitting on his bamboo staff with terrific balance.

"Hm?" He opened his eyes, saw me, and jumped down. He immediately touched my ears, making me blush "You... dyed them...?" He asked, rubbing one of my ears softly. I leaned up to his hand, one of my legs kicking slightly.

"M-Mhm..." I blushed. I have liked Lin Chung for a long time now, almost everyone in Big Green knew... except him.

"You're really cute (Y/N) know that?" He asked

"N-No... I'm not..." I blushed more

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time..." He sighed

"What...?" I asked shyly

"I've liked you for a while now... ever since you joined First Squad... I didn't want to make things awkward between us so I..." He started but I cut him off with a kiss. He tensed up at first but relaxed and slowly put his arms around my waist. We stayed like that for a few moments until air decided to break us apart.

"I've liked you for a while too..." I panted, putting my forehead against his

"So... then, would you like to be my.... Uh... girlfriend?" He asked shyly

"Yes, Yes I would Lin..." I smiled and we shared another kiss.

(This must be one of the cutest things I've ever written...It's also short but sweet! I'M TRYING TO WORK ON THE FLIRTY MIGHTY RAY X READER. I MUST TRANSFER IT TO MY COMPUTER SO I CAN WRITE IT BETTER!! So HOPEFULLY, it will be up after this one! I hope you enjoyed!!)

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