Chapter 4

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On Thursday Grandma let me catch the bus to school. The bus stop isn’t too far away from the house, it’s about a 10 minute walk (5 if I take a shortcut through the park). It was nice to finally have a bit of freedom.

By now I’d had at least one of every class and kind of knew my way around the school better. I was walking towards my locker when I spotted Scarlett, the girl who bitched about me on my first day here at Penola. I would have loved to say she’d stopped gossiping and started minding her own business- but unfortunately she was still the same grumpy old cow she was at the beginning of the week.

“Ew look it’s the new chick, I wonder who her hairdresser is. Oh my gosh, I bet its a monkey. Or a blind person. There’s NO excuse for hair that tragic unless it’s been cut and dyed by someone retarded” She announced loudly, laughing with her two friends. She pushed past me, knocking my phone out of my hands and across the concrete.

“Oopsies” She giggled sarcastically, and continued walking. I looked down at the floor to find the front, back and battery of my phone had all gone flying in different directions. Thank god it’s a Nokia E63, those things are virtually indestructible. I grabbed the two case pieces and turned around to collect the battery, but someone had already done it and handed it to me.

“Don’t worry about Scarlett, she’s a bitch” The girl said, smiling. I laughed,

“Thanks, ugh I know right, what’s her problem?” I replied, snapping the pieces of my mobile back together.

“I don’t know dude, I swear she must have her period 24/7 or something…” We both laughed. I switched on my phone. Thank god, it was perfectly fine.

“I’m Lydia” I said, looking up at the dark-haired girl standing in front of me.

“I’m Sarah, but you can call me Dragon” She said, lowering her tone.

“You can call me… Night Hawk” I replied in a similar voice, realising that she was quoting Step Brothers.

“Haha, nice to meet you. Finally someone at this school who appreciates movies!” Sarah exclaimed.

“Agreed!” I smiled back at her.

I know I said I wasn’t going to make any friends, but I think I’ve just been convinced otherwise.

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