Chapter 12

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Sarah arrived at the Brooks’ house around half-past 12. She greeted me with a huge bear hug, then held me by my shoulders at arms length to check if I was okay. I told her I was fine, just a little hungover and sore.

“We think she got spiked last night” Luke said, appearing from the hallway.

“WHAT?!” Sarah practically yelled, “When Ifind out who did it I’m going to break their legs! That’s so dog!”

I mumbled, agreeing. I’d done drugs before when I was in Brisbane, but it had been a long time, andI never did it without knowing what I was taking. Having something slipped into my drink was new to me. I frowned slightly,

“I guess I have some enemies already...”

“Or maybe just a seedy stalker that wants to get you nakeeeedd?” Sarah winked, “But anyway, haters gonna hate!” she joked, trying to brighten the mood.

“Potatoes gonna potate, tomatoes gonna tomate...” Luke added

“-and dogs are gonna bark!” Beau contributed, yelling from the kitchen. The good mood caught on and soon we were all laughing and smiling, including myself.

“Nice outfit Lyds!” Sarah giggled, tugging Luke’s T-Shirt and trackies. Shit, I’d forgotten I was still wearing his clothes. It probably looked a little suspicious, like we’d slept together and I was about to do the morning after walk of shame. I thought I’d clear it up with her just in case she was thinking that.

“Oh, no! We didn’t have sex or something if you were thinking that! I just couldn’t sleep in my new dress. (It looks amazing, but it’s not exactly the comfiest one I own. It’s very, VERY tight) I’m sure it looks wrong but nothing happened!” I assured, before realising that I couldn’t actually remember anything at all from last night. I frowned slightly, “...Right?” I turned to face Luke.

“I didn’t lay a finger on you. I swear” He smiled back. Phew. “Well, unless you count the fact I kinda had to half dress you because you were really out of it... But I didn’t look! Promise!” He rambled, cheeks turning bright red.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I must have made a fool out of myself...” I said, mentally slapping myself in the face for not watching my drinks more closely last night. Luke placed his hand on my shoulder and shot me a genuine smile.

“It’s fine, alright?” He assured warmly.

He held on to me a little longer than what should be considered normal, and when he pulled his hand away I could still feel his touch lingering. A shiver shot through my spine and butterflies raced through my stomach. I couldn’t believe it. I barely know this guy but I think I’m really into him. Which isn’t a good thing at all. But I’d rather not explain why just yet though.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car door closing.

“I’m baaaaaaaack!” a female voice sung. It must be their mum. Checking my phone I realised she’d taken an hour more than she’d said she would, but I wasn’t worried. Especially after she opened up the boot of her car revealing mountains of groceries (and by mountains, I mean a LOT. There was enough food there to feed a Zoo). Feeling bad for unexpectedly showing up at their house and passing out like a fat lump, I offered to help her bring it all inside. She seemed really grateful and handed me a couple of the plastic bags from the pile. Glancing over at Luke who was still standing in the doorway, I could see that he was pretty impressed also. Before I knew it, all three Brooks’ boys and Sarah were standing over at the car grabbing groceries and carrying them inside.

Triumphantly placing the last plastic bag on the kitchen bench, I stood back and sighed heavily, content with my efforts.

“You didn’t have to do that you know,” Luke nudged into me, smiling.

“What can I say,” I shrugged, “I’m a saint.” he shook his head and laughed. For a while there was this moment where we looked right into each other’s eyes, it was almost magical. Pathetic, but magical. Like something you’d see in one of those cheesy Rom-Com movies. If only we’d had a camera, we probably could have made a smash hit at the box office. But wedidn’t, and it was soon interrupted by Sarah grabbing me by the shirt and saying we should probably go home in case my grandmother turned up early, which was fair enough.

So after saying quick goodbyes to Beau, Jai, Luke and their mother (Whose name is Gina, I found out), we left. Walking down the street towards the Train Station I realised I was still wearing Luke’s clothes. I wondered if I should turn around and run back to their house to change into my dress again, but my thoughts were caught short by my phone buzzing.

Text Message

From: Luke is awesome

Don’t worry about the clothes for now, just bring them to school on Monday :)

Okay, 1. Since when did I have Luke’s number? 2. Why is it saved under “Luke is awesome”, and 3. Damn it I have butterflies again.

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