Chapter 1

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I cursed at my dad. He leaves his family for a 23 year old slut and 2 years later, he calls asking me to come and visit. Like hell I would, but as my mom protested, I forced out a pitiful yes. It was sad really. What kind person does he think he is. I closed my eyes and sighed. No use getting angered up now. I was already packed up and ready to go on a plane for about 16 hours.

"A plane ride from California to Paris was 16 hours." I remember my brother saying. I choked on the thought.

Right now I'm in the car with my mom, her driving me to the airport.

"Mom!" I yelled slightly.

"Jade!" She yelled jokingly.

"Please, just turn the car around! I can just call Mitchell and tell him I got sick. Pleaaaassseee!" I begged. My mother just sped up.

"One, stop calling him Mitchell; he's your father. Second, I can't believe that you of all people would back out of something." My mom said disappointed. I slouched in my seat.

"Sorry. But........would you like to stay a whole 2 months with him? I know he's my father by blood, but he's not my dad by relationship. Not ever since he wanted to sleep with whore of a-"

"Kori Jade Lehman! I don't like that women either, but we are not using language." Mom said sternly. I sighed and folded my arms as I looked out the car window. I felt mom's eyes on me.

"Look, I know that you really don't want to see your dad, but if anything can you go for me. Plus, you'll get to see Ryan." Mom said encouragingly.

I smiled at the thought of me getting to see my big brother again. Since Ryan, my brother, was going to college in Paris, he lived I cringed. Dad seemed like a foreign word for Mitchell ever since he up and left.

"Okay, but promise me that while I'm gone you won't do anything crazy." I said jokingly with a hint of seriousness. Mom laughed.

It had taken me forever until I heard mom's real laugh again. After she found out that dad was getting it from another, she was broken. It took a good month until she cracked a real, genuine smile. Mitchell was the reason and he hadn't even cared and now here I am, going to live with him. Oh what a joy.


My luggage was already out the trunk and put on the paved ground. All that was left to do was say goodbye to my mother and get on a plane. I looked at my mom, who looked at me with proud eyes.

"Now, do you have your stuff? Your boarding ticket? All your luggage? How about your phone and phone charger? Or maybe your forgot yo-" I shushed her with a hug. She relaxed and hugged me back.

"I'll be fine mom. I have all my stuff. I checked once, twice, even ten times! I'm a big girl." I said.

"But you're still my little girl." Mom said holding me tighter. I heard fake sniffles and laughed. I shook my head and let go of my mom. If I wanted to make it on the plane, I would have to leave now.

"Well, mom, it's time for me to go." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Kori!" she said.

"It's Jade!" I said joked lightly as I walked to the airport with my luggage. As I reached the airport door, I turned around and waved to my mom. She waved back. I walked into the airport with a face of pride.

"Might as well look happy to see him." I thought bitterly.


I puffed out some air as I finally sat down on my seat on the plane. I didn't know who the person I was going to sit by was going to be, but I hope it's someone decent.

I closed my eyes in a hope to relax, but life had a different plan. The person next to me sat down. I cracked open my eyes to see who it was and was stunned. He was man.  A very hot, muscular, sexy man that couldn't be that more than 2 years older me. He had black hair that was spiked up and the most bluest eyes I have ever seen.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black blazer, baggy jeans, and a pair of black Van's. Even through his shirt, I could tell that he had abs. I blushed as I noticed I was checking him out. He must have felt my eyes on him as he turned to look at me. He gave me a million dollar smile.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I said softly, still taking in his appearance. He then put out his hand for me to shake.

"Names Richard." He said.

"I'm Kori, but most people call me Jade." I said happily as I shook his hand. His hand was soft, but a little bit rough, showing that he worked hard at times. A picture of Richard shirtless and sweating suddenly came into my mind. I quickly shoved it away.

"Well since we're going to be together for a total of 16 to 18 hours, how about we learn a little about each other?" Richard said, flashing another smile. Speechless, I nodded my head.


The airline's had a choice of foods to eat, but Richard and I both choose spaghetti.

"Hahaha! Kori open your mouth!" Richard said while laughing. We were trying to feed each other, but Richard was failing miserably.

"My mouth is opened as far as it can go!" I said jokingly. 

"And herrrreee." Richard sang as he put the spaghetti in my mouth. I laughed as I chewed. He laughing as well, but stopped all of a sudden. I swallowed my food down.

"What?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious. Richard smirked.

"You have something on your face." He said while chuckling.

I gasped quietly and looked around for a napkin, only to come up empty. As I keep searching, he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him.

"Here, just let me do this." Richard said encouragingly.

My breathe hitched up as he licked his thumb and rubbed the little spot of spaghetti sauce off my face. He then tucked a loose strand of my hair out of my face. I felt myself blush.

"Your cute when you blush." Richard said softly. I was about to ask what he meant when his lips attacked mine. At first I gasped, but I then I responded in kissing him back.

His arms slid from my arms to my waist, pulling me closer. One of my hand went to his neck, while the other went to his black hair. He moaned as I played with his baby hair. Things got heated as our tongues danced, but after a while, we had to come up for air. We rested our foreheads on each others. I kept my eyes closed as I regained my breath. I felt his eyes on me, but still wouldn't open my eyes.

I heard Richard curse under his breath.

"Kor-Jade, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm really sorry-" I shut him up by a quick kiss.

"Jade?" Richard asked softly. I smirked at how he had lost cool.

"Just shut up okay? On this plane there's no one here, but me and you so........kiss me." I said shyly. He smiled.

"I'm sure there's at least, like, 25 more people on this plane, but sure I'll kiss you." He said jokingly. I gave a small laugh before we started kissing again. Then a thought came across my mind and I, reluctantly, ended the kiss.

"Wait! Why did you kiss me in the first place?" I asked skeptically. He blushed and started to rub his neck.

"Well your hot and your just amazing, from what I learned about you so far. So when I- I just got caught up in the moment and- yeahhhh." He answered. I smiled.

"Well your not too shabby of a kisser Mr.Grayson." I said in a fake professional voice. He raised a delicate eyebrow at me.

"Not too shabby of a kisser? You have a lot to learn Ms.Lehman" He said with seductive voice. I laughed. This was going to be a long ride. 

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