Chapter 2

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"Please get your things together as we will be arriving in Paris in a total of 30 minutes. Thank you."

I yawned. I was about to freak out as I felt someone's arms around me, but then I relized the arms belonged to Richard. I leaned back in his arms and cuddled up. I had fallen asleep in his arms the night before and I didn't want his arms to leave me.

"Richard must have either heard the announcement or he felt me shift in his arms." I thought as I felt him wake up.

"Morning beautiful." Richard said tiredly. I laughed at his messed up hair.

"It's actually the afternon, we're about to land." I said softly. He nodded and pulled me closer to him; snuggling. I could tell he was about to go back to sleep.

"Come on Rich, we have to get up." I said shaking him. He shooke his head, his eyes still closed.

"Why?" I asked with a pout.

"Becuase if we get off the plane, we have to seperate." he said, still half-asleep. I was shocked. I thought it was only me who was reluctant to letting go.

"I feel the same, but.......we have to wake up." I said sadly. This time he did as told and stretched as he woke up. Richard sighed and got up to go to the bathroom, brushing me off. I shrugged of his attitude as 'he's not a morning person'.


I walked off the plane with Richard standing beside me. It was suddenly awkward, as if we were really strangers on a plane that sat next to each other, which we technically are, but we kissed. I sighed as I turned to him. He had put on a pair of dark sunglasses once he got off the plane. He looked at me with sadness, I could tell.

"Jade.....Kori......what happened on the plane was on the plane and I don't think it should follow us into the real world. You said it, there was no one on there that had connections to us so we kissed and played relationship. So now that we're her-" I interrupted him. I really didn't have time for some petty "breakup". I knew that what happens in a fairytale isn't going to follow you home.

"I get it. Just pretend nothing between us happened. I understand. It was nice meeting you by the way. Well, bye." I said curtly. I ran off, making it seem like I knew where I was going, which really wasn't the brightest idea since I didn't know where Mitchell was. I pulled out my iphone and texted him.


(Kori) Where are you?

(Mitchell) Hi to you too😃hahaha! I'm at the entrance of the airport.

(Kori) Kay.

(Mitchell) Can't wait to be with you kiddo!


I cringed. I decided not to answer and just put my phone back in my front jeans pocket. I went to the luggage car first and got my stuff. Once I had everything, I found my way to the entrance.....and there he was. Mitchell Lance Lehman, my father. Once he noticed I was there, he smiled at me as if saying 'I love you'. I don't know why, but everything just came down in the moment. My eyesight became blurry as unshed tears came into my eyes. I quickly sniffled them away and slowly walked up to him, my luggage in tow.

He hugged me and I, softly, hugged him back. He backed away to get a better look at me. I was wearing a red lifeguard sweat shirt, black jeggings, light brown uggs, and my aburn hair put up in a messy bun. My naturally tanned face was worn with a forced smile.

"Seems like you grew on my, kiddo!" Mitchell said while chuckling.

"Well three years will do that to you....." I thought of mom "". I said shyly.

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