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Weeks later...

"Had you been a son, Aemon would have left that bitch for a real woman," Daena snarled at the babe in the cradle. At such a young age her daughter had already shown strong hits of her beauty, and she had her father's eyes. Gentle and violet.

It was so unfair!

Daena names her daughter Daenaera and moves on. Looking out the window where Naerys and that crooked back son of hers walks through the garden together. Daena scowls. She had been denied the son her and Aemon deserved. The life they deserved together.

Because of her.

Daena loved Aemon. If Naerys was standing between them he would have loved her back, and they would have been a family. But here she was. Left alone to raise her bastard daughter.

But she would surely get her revenge one day.


"I see," Aemon nod sympathetically at the Septa, he felt bad, Daenerys was the most wild of his offspring, but she would change. Daeron had changed to the calmer side and she would surely follow. "Say sorry Dany," Aemon said looking at his daughter who sat in the corner, her face contorted in childhood anger.


"Come on, Dany," Aemon smiled at her. "It's not a good thing to throw things at your Septa."

"Yes it is!" She shouted throwing her arms up and Aemon let out startled laughter.

"No Dany, it's not."

Daenerys shook her head and Jaehaerys who was sitting on the table playing with his beloved toy Dragon looked up from his amusing play. "Sorry."

"You didn't do anything, Jaehaerys," Aemon said looked at his son concernedly. Jaehaerys looked disinterestedly at his father. "I know that, papa."

Aemon sighs, shaking head. "Dany, you don't want to make your Mama sad do you?"

Daenerys eyebrows shot. "WHAT?!"

"Mama will be sad if you don't say sorry," Aemon said and even Jaehaerys looked as if he had heard the scariest thing in the world. "I'M SORRY!" Daenerys screamed dashing towards the Septa and hugging her leg. "I won't do it again!"

The Septa smiled and patted her head. "Good."

Aemon gives the Septa coin for her troubles and watches her leave before looking at Dany who was staring up at him. "What is it?" He asked crouching to meet her eye level.

"Is Mommy happy now?" She asked, and Aemon chuckled pressing a kiss against her forehead.

"Yes, Mommy is happy now."


Aemon struggles to stand. He was still weakened from his paralyzed state which lingered longer than he had expected. Aemon stands and sits by Jaehaerys his violet eyes now settled on his dragon which he made fly through air.

"Papa," Jaehaerys didn't look at Aemon but his wise little mind knew he was there.

"Do I have a little sister?"

Aemon froze. He already knew whom Jaehaerys was talking about. "Yes," Aemon put it short, he want to see the babe, but Daena stood in his way. "You have a little sister."

"Can I thrown her away?"

Aemon laughed, ruffling Jaehaerys short silver-gold curls.

"No," he said. "You can't."

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