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(I'm a Kpop Fan okay, I just liked the song and I wanted to put it. You don't have to listen to it.)


Aemon steps closer, caressing her cheek with his  knuckles and brushing her silver-gold curls away from her face, her pale skin shone in the moonlight and made her as look as beautiful as the moon itself. He loved her. He truly did and he could not deny it any longer.

"Do you love me, Naerys?" He asks her, their faces growing inches closer together until they are just a breath away. Naerys places her hand on his, allowing his warn touch to rest on her skin, her eyes burning with coming tears.

"I do," she whispers as their lips touch, their kiss filled of passion Aegon would never have. Aemon was everything Aegon was not.

He was the opposite of their elder brother in every way.

"Than marry me," Aemon says, when their kiss is broken. "Aegon can marry one of his whores, but I will not allow him to have you."

"But who would marry us?" She asks him, worriedly and Aemon smiles.

"Don't worry about that ."


Naerys hurriedly gets dress and they travel as quietly as possible through the halls of the Red Keep until they reach the quiet Sept where a Septon awaits them with smile on his face, and the seven pointed star in his thin arms, his skin illuminated by three candles.

Naerys heart pounds hard in her chest when their private ceremony begins, both are nervous of what would happen, of what their father would do but they push it from their minds as they are wed.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..." they speak in unison as the Septon ties the knot around their hands, the prayer echoing through the quiet sept.

"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days,"Aemon says proudly turning to face her, barely able to hold back his happiness and excitement.

Than it was her turn, she fumbles with the words but manages to say them: "I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

They share another kiss, but they know the night is not done, they know they must consummate their marriage of their plans for happiness would fail. After Aemon pays the Septon coin they go off to his chambers, which had been moved to the far side of Maegor's holdfast to keep him away from her, but it didn't, he could never stay far from her for long.

They share a bed that night in each other's loving embrace. And in the morning blood stains the sheets, declaring they were truly husband and wife as they would stay for years to come.

They cannot help but smile and hold each other until they are discovered by a Kingsguard knight who awaits them to dress before taking them to the king.

"What have you done?"

They're uncle was not mad, he never could be mad for long, he was too gentle a man to hold his anger, since he knows the cruelty the world serves with the angered. He does not look at Naerys, but he stares at Aemon, as if he had forced this disgrace upon her.

Aemon's eyes were at the floor, as it always had when their uncle spoke to him with clear disappointment or disapproval.

Their father and Aegon stood behind the king, and they do not speak, their father is calm and silent while Aegon is red with anger, possibly from his embarrassment at the Sept where he had awaited her for two hours before the whispering of the guests had turned to a roar of voices and a small humiliation had turned to a mighty embarrassment.

"We have wed," Naerys said softly clasping Aemon's hand in her's and squeezing it, unable to restrain the smile that spread on her face, her eyes dancing with laughter. "We're in love."

"Nonsense!" Their father snarls folding his arms, and looking on with great disapproval. "What do you know of love?"

Naerys feels Aemon's grip tighten on her hand. "I might not know much about love but I know I can't live without her."

Aegon scoffs folding his arms while the king strokes his beard in the mist of thoughts, his face was emotionless until his lips curled upwards into a brief smile which instantly faded away stunning the newly wed couple.

"The marriage was already consummated?" The king says looking at the Kingsguard knight that had discovered them.

"There was blood on the sheet, your grace," the knight says, grinning as if he approved of their bond more than anyone. "I was sure to exam closely."

Their uncle nods and glances at Aegon, who had become as red as the walls, his violet eyes burning hatefully as he scowls with grit teeth and a furrowed brow.

"I can do nothing, the marriage is already valid."

Aegon storms from the room, brushing shoulders with Aemon but is careful not antagonize the one who could disarm a grown man since he was ten in only some few seconds.

When door slams shut and the king stands, pushing back his seat and coming from behind his desk to place his hand on both of their heads.

"The world is a cruel place, but at least you have found happiness, little dragons."

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