Fifteenth Chapter: "Truth Hurts"

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Dedicated to
AbigailMarie2 Thanks for your comments and votes~ :3 Hope you enjoy! :D

What would this be? The third chapter in a day? Le gasp... xD  Enjoy~

Fifteenth Chapter 
 “Truth Hurts”

That Same Day
Sara’s POV

"You're still coming up to the cabin with us this Saturday, right?" Karley asked me curiously, a grin on her lips.

"Hells yeah!" I exclaimed laughing. "It sounds like it will be a lot of fun."

"It really is." Devin spoke up. "There's a lake for swimming with a lot of shops around it filled with pretty awesome things, there's a forest for hiking and having picnics and shit, and the cabin we're staying at, is really awesome."

"What got you guys originally going up to the cabin?"

Seth clenched his fists and looked out the window.

"A very good friend." He replied swiftly before anyone else could answer.

I frowned in confusion before looking back at the others who were also wearing similar feelings of urgency to change the subject.

"Uh... wonderful weather we're having." I managed, causing Seth to scoff.

"It's raining." 

"I like the rain better than sunshine." I stated happily, watching the rain drops hit the ground with a calming gentle thud.

"You're weird." Chris laughed and I grinned, though didn't reply as Chris slowly pulled up outside my house.

"Please tell me you're using the front door this time." Devin frowned at the large soaked tree, and I winced as I glanced at it.

"I... can't." I managed with a frown at the tree.

"Why can't you use the front door?"

"Long story." I muttered, and Claire's eyes narrowed. (Oh yes, for once she decided to come with us)

"Has anyone else ever noticed that Alice always says 'Long Story' when she doesn't want to say anything?" She smirked devilishly, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Everyone has their secrets." I stated firmly, and moved past Seth and Claire to hop out of the car, heading over to the large tree.

I looked it up and down, and winced. I knew I wasn't going to be able to make the climb. Not when it was raining like this.

I grimaced at the fact I was going to have to try and sneak in.

God, I didn't even have the blonde wig on me.

I took a look behind me and thanked God that Chris had decided to take everyone else home now, and was gone.

Walking up to the front porch, I nearly stumbled over a pair of what was obviously my mom's shoes.

There was maids running around everywhere, and I flinched at the sight of broken glass on the floor, and a spilled drink.

That was a sign that they weren't in a good mood, along with the maids who looked like they were chickens running around with their heads cut off.

Taking a step back, I knew I should probabaly just run in another direction, and get the fuck out of the house.

Turning around and getting ready to dash off, I felt a hand yank me back and I flinched at the scent of my mom's perfume and whiskey.

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