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I'm Alex. I'm a 16 year old girl trying to make it through life. Me and my boyfriend well ex-boyfriend just called it quits. He cheated on me many a times. He never texted back and we broke up so many I lost count. I'm so happy to have my cousin and her bestfriend there for me. They helped me a lot. I truly love them.

I'm currently on the bus to my amazing school. Yay. Not. I hate this hell hole. It's drama and all that shiznet. Spencer(my cuz) and hope(her best friend) are a grade above me. They graduate soon. I have no idea what I'm going to do with out them.

Spencer and hope are in the seat across from me. I'm sitting with hopes sister grace. I would talk to her but she always has her nose in a book. "Soooo you guys excited your gonna graduate in a couple months?" I asked them hoping they say no and stay with me a while longer. "Hells yeah! I'm done with these classes and people" hope said. "Right! I can't wait just a couple more months and I'm school free!" spencer added. "What are your plans and all that after you graduate?" once again hoping they don't move or go anywhere. "We're gonna move. we saved money up and we're turning 18 soon" hope said once again making me feel very disappointed. "We're living together" spencer said very excited. Her and hope have bin planing this forever now. Their friend mike soon gets on the bus and so does my friend Lisa. We kinda stop talking after that.

We arrive at the hell hole we call school and the torture starts. Teachers yelling kids bulling. How can this day get any better. It gos slowly like it always does. After being shoved around, picked on, and being called the everyday shit it's time to go. I get on the bus but I drop my books. I have to pick them all up and I'm the last one on the bus.

I walk to find a seat. We have a big bus so all the seats are full and I can't sit in some because kids have to be brats. I find one seat in the very back next to this girl I never met before.

"Hey is it okay if I sit with you?" I asked her. "Of course" it was kinda silent for a while. "My name is Hayley by the way" she said. "Oh hi Hayley I'm Alex" we talk a lot more after that. She's really funny and nice. I soon find out she gets off at the first stop. "Text me on Facebook" she sod before leaving. After she left I plug in my headphones a block everyone else out.

When it comes to my stop I get off with hope. She live the house behind mine so that's nice. "Hey why was you late getting on the bus?" She asked. She's so fricken nosy. "I dropped my book" I said. "Oh well ummm text me I guess, see ya tomorrow" she said before walking into her house. Her sister went to her friends house. I got home and walked into another hell. My step dad yelled at me because I had my iPod in my room. He took it from me yay. I got on my laptop and logged into Facebook. I found Hayley and added her as a friend. She accepted quickly after I sent it.

(H-Hayley a-Alex)



H-the bus was really fun today

A-yeah it was I really enjoyed it

H-you should sit there tomorrow too

A-really? you want me to?

H-of course


H-haha yup so what's up

A-oh just sitting here

We texted for hours. She's really nice and doesn't make fun of me like everyone else. I texted hope on Facebook as well. I asked if I could come over to talk. She said sure an that Bree's over and she's watching her baby brother. I tell my mom and head over to her house. I open the door to find more than just spencer hope and her brother. I also see their boyfriends. Hayes and Nash Grier.

They all looked at me. "Why so smily child?" hope asked with a sleeping baby on her. "I'll tell you in a couple minutes" I said as I sat down and turned off the t.v. "So where your parents?" I asked wondering why she had to watch her brother. "Oh just at the mall you know with out me" she asked sounding a little annoyed. "Hey maybe their getting you something for graduating" Hayes said kissing the top of her head. "No PDA" I yelled. "Alyssa shut the hell up we just got Lucas asleep(hopes brother)" spencer yelled rubbing the temples of her head. "Oh well ummm do you guys wanna know why I'm so smily?" I asked them all. Nash and Hayes are like brothers to me also. "Duh. Don't keep us waiting" Nash said. "Wow your sounding more like spencer everyday, but anyways I sat with this girl on the bus. She's really nice we're talking a lot. I just got done talking to her like 10 minutes ago. She makes me feel special again." I said with a huge cheesy grin. "Oh that's really good Alex I'm happy for you" Hayes said.

The door opened. It was hopes parents. "Well look what the cat dragged in" hope said giving them a death glare. "Hey we got you something that's why you couldn't come. How's luke and hey Alex, spencer,nash, and Hayes" her mom said. "Hi caty" we all said. Her dad was carrying stuff in. "Well we're off again. We're taking luke to a play group" Larry(her dad and Luke's 10 months old.) said. They grabbed him off hope and left. "Well ain't they so sweet." Hope said. "Who wants to go out and get food?" Nash asked grabbing his keys. We all went in his jeep. Hayes in shotgun, Nash driving, and us girls in the back. "Nash when we go home I'm driving" hope said as he swerved right. "I'm ok with that" me Bree and Hayes said at the same time. We got toco bell.

We we're all eating then I see her. Hayley walked in the door. I showed her to all of my friends. I texted her on my phone real fast. We started texting till we left. Even then we continued texting. It was late and everyone went home including me since it's a school night. I texted Hayley before bed saying I was happy we're friends. She responded "same bæ". I fell asleep shortly after that with a smile on my face.

Next day

I wake up still with a smile on my face. I haven't bin this happy in ages. I'm hurry up and get ready. It's Friday hell yeah. I text Hayley real fast before I go to the bus stop.

A-I'll see you on the bus later.

H-ok bæ


H-yeah just a nickname but bye gtg

A-I like it and same see ya

I quickly head out to the bus stop. I'm late again the bus is around the corner and I see hope give me the "hurry your shit up child" motion. I start to run. I got there just in time too. "Hey child you still going to the mall with all of us tomorrow?" hope said. "Sure, but is it ok if I bring Hayley?" I asked really hoping it was a yes. "Sure you just gonna have to find out where she lives and we're leaving at ten on the dot got it. We ain't waiting" spencer said. And by the mean that we're leaving at ten nash, hayes, and spencer are gonna stay with hope.

The same old routine gos at school and it feels like decades till the bus. When the last bell rang I ran to my locker. I wanted to get the hell out I hate it here. It's all old and all the people treat me like a piece of shit.

I'm one of the first people on the bus. I see her there. Motioning me to sit by her. I sat by her and said hi. She said the same back. "So how was school" she asked with a big grin.

"Hell" I respond and her smile fads quickly. "Why bæ?" I got a weird feeling when she said bæ. "People pick on me and shove me and shit" I mumbled looking down at my hands."bæ your beautiful,you know that right?" she said. I got that weird feeling again but it was more....strong with more feeling. "Thanks but I'm not and do you wanna go to the mall with me and my cousins and more people" yes I'm aware I called hope my cousin. We're close enough to be though. "Sure I'll give you my address on facebook" she said before she left.

After that I sat with Spencer since hope was at cheer tryouts. The rest wasn't really important just blahs and blahs. I walked home. I didn't even care what they had to say. I just walked up and got on Facebook all night texting Hayley. I fell asleep couple hours later still happy.

So here my second story guys. Hope y'all like it more than the first one. Read and vote please my goal on this is 20 votes and 50 reads. Let's make it happen guys.

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