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"Oh my fucking God, Theo", Mason throws both of his arms around my neck as soon as we're one street away from Chris' house. He doesn't let me go and hugs me tighter, not giving any fucks about other people seeing us. "I was so fucking scared", he says in a softer voice. I wrap my arm around him too. Mason scared? How? He looked like the most calm person ever. Ever! I smile slightly. "I thought you were going to be shot in front of me", Mason stutters. He pulls out of the hug to looks into my eyes. "When you had that gun at the back of your head- I just didn't know what to do anymore. Even when he put the gun away, I was so scared that I'd say something wrong and he'd still shoot you. Even inside of the house." I open my mouth to say something, but Mason is faster, "We almost lost you once, what if this one was one too many?" Mason is still Mason. Still putting his friends first. In all the things he's said about being scared, I haven't heard him once about being scared of dying himself. "But you looked so calm", is the first thing I can come up with. "After a little while I realised we were safe, at least for the moment. But there wasn't a second I wasn't scared." I sight and close my eyes for a moment. "Let's go home", Mason says while he throws an arm around my shoulder. While we walk towards Mason's car, I quickly take one last look in the direction of Chris' house. Wondering if we're ever going to trust this man.

We're not driving home. We're driving to Scott's house. Pack meeting. Again. "Scott is going to pissed, isn't he?", I wonder while looking over to Mason, who's driving the car. "Yeah, probably. Malia will be aswell. Let's not even talk about how upset Corey is going to be with me when I tell him." I look out of the window, "Do you think Liam will be mad at me?" Mason grins, "Yes, Romeo. Of course he'll be mad at you. Most likely he'll be even more mad at me for getting you in danger." I sight and look over to Mason again, "At least we've got some information, right? I mean, even though they're going to be angry, they'll be happy we've got something, won't they?" Mason nods slightly, "Hopefully, yes." Mason parks the car next to Scott's house and opens the door. "Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be", I say while opening the door and stepping out. I look around and see Liam's car standing a little further. They're probably all already here. Mason raises his hand to knock on the door, but Scott already opens it, "If it's true what you said over the phone, I'm going to kill you", Scott says to Mason. Mason smiles and goes inside. I follow his example. Like I already thought the whole pack has arrived. They're all sitting in the living room, except for Corey, who runs into Mason's arms and hugs him. I see Liam sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. He doesn't smile back at me. Instead he just looks at the floor.

"You bloody morons", Scott mumbles. We've just told the pack what happened at Chris' house. "What the fuck did you expect to find there?", Scott says a little louder. "Something..", Mason answers, "..Anything actually." Scott sights and looks over to Malia, "We should never have told them anything." Malia leans back in her chair and shakes her head. She looks at Scott, at Mason and me and then back at Scott, "I don't agree with you." I frown, "What?" "They might have been a little blunt just going there, but they had more balls than we've shown in our whole life probably." Scott makes an offended sound, "Excuse me? I'm a true alpha, I've shown enough balls." Malia sights, "That's not the point." Scott isn't ready to give in yet, "You think I'm a pussy? I have balls!" Liam suddenly stands up out of his chair and shouts, "Enough about your fucking balls!" We all look at him. "Bro, are you okay?", Mason asks softly. Liam turns to Mason, "No! I'm not fucking okay!" He points his finger to Mason, "You! My best friend who takes my boyfriend to the house of a possible killer." Then he points at me, "And you! You're an arse, Theo! You are supposed to be my boyfriend, but we rarely spend any time together! Instead you go on stupid missions that could get you killed!" I don't know what to say. I can't say that he's wrong. I have been a terrible boyfriend. -and a terrible friend- to Liam. And I could have gotten myself killed. Liam continues, "Why did Malia and Scott tell us their secret? Hm? It was because we're supposed to be their pack!", he takes another deep breath, "Packs work together!" I've actually never seen him this angry. Now that I think of it, I've rarely seen him get angry. Which is weird, because I know Liam's got I.E.D. Suddenly I start to wonder if he's not taken his medicine yesterday. Malia stands up, "Liam, we all understand. Theo and Mason have been dumb, but it wasn't on purpose." It doesn't have the desired result. "Do you think I don't know that?", he screams. My boyfriend is freaking out and all I am doing is sitting on the floor. As if I'm on automatic pilot I stand up and walk over to him. At first I want to come up with some sort of excuse to justify all the stupid things I did. There isn't really one. So instead I just whisper "I'm really sorry Liam", and throw my arm around his neck in an attempt to hug him. I first feel all his muscles flex, before they completely relax. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my shoulder. How are we going to handle all of this?

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