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"Corey, keep breathing, please". I'm sitting next to Corey on the floor in the corner of the room. "Get out!", Mason yells at Scott and Malia. "We didn't mean to scare any of you! We just wanted to prove it!", Malia yells back at Mason. "I could not care less! Can you see Corey? Can you see him?", Mason says while trying to push them out of the room. Liam is standing next to Mason. "Scott, Mal, please. Just leave the room, that's all we ask for now. Corey can't handle it all", Liam looks over to me and Corey and I nod. They just have to give him some space. I look at Corey, he's breathing fast and irregularly. "Corey, please look at me", I sit down in front of him, but he keeps looking at the floor, his hands shaking. "We're not bad people, we're not monsters!", Scott yells. "I currently don't give a fuck, Scott. Corey is having a fucking panic attack and all you can do is think about yourself!", Mason pushes Scott out of the room. "We didn't mean to, I swear!", Malia says to Liam. "Malia, we know. But you just roared to us. With fangs. And glowing eyes. I know that you warned us before you did it, but Corey is having a panick attack. He can't help it and you should get out, now. Give Theo the chance to make him calm down." Malia nods and finally leaves the room too. Liam closes the door behind them. I look back at Corey, his breathing got slower, but he looks like he's about to pass out. I force him to look into my eyes by holding his chin in my hand, "Corey, look at me. It's going to be okay, I promise." He looks into my eyes and I can see he's crying. "I'm so", he stutters, "I'm so sorry." I can still hear Malia, Scott, Mason and Liam fighting in the other room. "You don't have to be sorry." Corey starts to breathe faster when he hears the others too. "Corey, you need to breathe", I slowly say. Corey nods, but can't clearly can't take back control. Mason comes back into the room and closes the door behind him. He sits down next to me and looks at Corey. This is not good. "Has he ever had one of these before?", I ask Mason. He shakes his head "Not that I know of." I move aside so Mason can sit in front of Corey. "Babe, it's all going to be just fine", Mason whispers to Corey. That's when Corey's eyes suddenly stop focussing and he collapses, falling forward into Mason's arms.

I walk back to the other room where Liam, Scott and Malia are. Malia is crying, Scott is talking to Liam. When Malia notices me, she tries to get herself together. "I'm sorry, Theo. I'm so sorry." I know that it's a lot to deal with for everyone. Supernatural creatures? That was a thing that only existed in books and movies until yesterday. But now, it looks like two of my friends are actual supernatureal creatures. It's crazy. Scott and Liam look over to me. "Is he okay?", Scott asks. "Yeah, I guess so. He fainted, but he woke up like, half a minute after that." Malia looks a little more relieved. "Mason is staying with him now, until he has fully calmed down." Everyone nods. "This could literally not have gone any worse", Scott mumbles as he sits down in a chair. Malia is still walking around the room, sobbing, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to scare any of you, I just had to prove it", she stutters. "Mal, it's okay", I try to reassure her. "Why are you so nice?", Malia says under her breath. My friends are a werewolf and a werecoyote and they told us because they trust us. I smile at her and Scott and say, "Because I don't think that anyone is angry with you." Malia looks confused, "What?" Liam nods, "The only thing that we're not okay with is that you didn't give Corey any space when he needed it. That's why Mason is so upset with you." Malia and Scott look over to each other, both a little surprised and confused, "So you're actually not angry with us because we've got glowing eyes, or fangs?" Malia wipes her tears away.  "No, Mal. We're not", Liam says while smiling a little. "Man, this is mad", he looks over to Scott. "How come Malia's eyes are blue and yours are red, though?" "Let's get into that later", Scott says while he laughs. I hear the door open and see Mason and Corey come into the room. Malia immediately takes a step back, afraid that she'll upset Corey. Corey walks over to her and hugs her tightly, "I'm so sorry for freaking out." Mason takes a deep breath, "Corey didn't just freak out because of you", he begins, "But because he's seen one of you before this, one of you that wasn't friendly."

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