Chapter 1: Schoolin Life

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Joanna's POV

"JOANNA, GET UP." I heard someone yell.

"Could someone help me stop that noise?" I groaned, closing my ears with the pillow. "I really need this five minutes of extra sleep." I silently prayed.

"Joanna!" The voice came out again. This time it sounded clear and like –
Oh shit. I jumped off my bed immediately. Where could I hide?

"Joanna Gore Alex. Get the hell up or I swear, I will unleash hell on your head!" My mum shouted as she pounded on my door.

There went my delicious sleep people. Yes, I called sleep delicious. Have you tasted it? Trust me, you should. I hoped you would understand my current situation.

"Oh, you don't want to get up?" she questioned. "Suit yourself then." A few seconds later I heard her footsteps retreat.

"Thank God!" I sighed and did a happy, booty shake afterward. PS: it's a thing where you like roll your hips and twerk a little.

The booty shake was short-lived when I felt something cold and wet sting my skin. "What the – "

My eyes flashed opened to see my older brother, Elvis, look down at me with a smirk on his lips. Wait. How did he ... ? Never mind, he's so dead, I mused.

"Elvis!" I shouted before I hopped off my heavenly bed. Yes, it was heavenly – its features would agree.

He took off running immediately when he noticed I had gotten out of bed.

"Get back here you coward!" I blurted while I tried to catch up with him.

He was fast but since luck was on my side, I caught him in no time. Taking him unaware, I jumped on his back, my fingers going straight for the target.

"Oh no. Not the face. Not my face!" he screeched as he attempted to remove my hands from his face.

"Satisfied with my artwork, I got off him and sauntered to the kitchen where mum was making breakfast.

"Morning, Mom," I greeted, kissing her on the cheek.

She turned around to smile at me as her brown skin stood out the same way the smile did. She was taller, like way taller than dad. Maybe it was because she was from Sudan, the southern part to be specific, and not from Nigeria.

Mom worked as a lab scientist at a specialist hospital close to us so she was always around hence she was only called to work when there was a need for her services.

She was a full-time Christian who spent most of her time with God and her Bible. She had met dad in India, where they both attended college. Basically, I'm a half-cast.

"Did he succeed?" She smirked, returning to making breakfast.

I shrugged. "He did but I got my revenge," I replied as she swallowed hard. "Mum, don't worry. I didn't hurt your baby."

I rolled my eyes as she released the breath she was holding. Elvis has always been Momma's boy, and I was Daddy's girl.

"By the way, where's Dad?" I asked while I munched on an apple.

"Over here," he answered, coming down the stairs. He kissed my cheek when he reached me to which I responded with a happy smile. See, this was what I was talking about. Daddy's girl.

Dad himself had a fair complexion with an average height, hence why mom was a head taller than him. He was a professor at a university here in my state.

Though he worked part-time, he was always at school so his students could meet him anytime for questions and advice. Some even came to our home on Sundays for meals and other issues. They see Dad as their father, and Dad always took them as his children.

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