Chapter 4: I Was Here

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Joanna's POV

"SCHOOL WENT ON WITH vast drama as it always did. Before I knew it we were in our senior year – the final year of high school.

As long as we excelled in our final exams, we graduated. If not, we would have to stay back for another year and retake the exams.

Final year students like us spent the year occupied with notes, practicals, and "free time to read for the exams. We didn't write the usual school exams instead we wrote the West African Examination Council general exams – or as we called it WAEC.

Special well-behaved students have bestowed authorities at this level to control other students or as we preferred to call it, "Rule the School".

Most idiots struggled to obtain those positions, but a girl like me who hated attention didn't give a shit about that.

"Hey, baby," Tony called, kissing me on the cheek.

For the record, he and I are not dating because he eyes for someone else.

"Get your hands off my cuddle bunny this instant, or I'll castrate you." A familiar voice threatened jokingly."

"Yup, Tony was in love with my best girl, Tenda.

"Hey, babyboo," I mumbled into her neck as she pulled me in for a soft, comfy hug.

Unlike some people I know, I thought, hoping Harmony could read my mind as he strolled toward us.

"Are you ready to kick butts this year?" Tenda questioned, releasing me from the hug but still hanging onto my hand.

"Sure. I got you by my side," I smiled gratefully.

"What's that supposed to mean, partner?" Ifeanyi asked gesturing to himself, Tony, Blake, and Harmony. "You got us too."

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Tony glared.
Tenda and I rolled our eyes in response.

"Give way for the best friend!" Harmony screeched, approaching us and pushing Tenda out of the way so he could crush my ribs in a tight hug.

"Ouch," I squeaked, feeling my ribs turn to mush.

How on earth would I get used to this pain, I thought as I struggled to rationalize my breathing.

"Hey there, hun," I sighed the instant he released me.

"Hey sis," Blake spoke, ruffling the short braids in my hair.

"Hey, there, bro." I glared at him as I rearranged the loose braids back into a ponytail.

Blake and I developed a sibling relationship over the past year when he became friends with my brother, Elvis. Blake had dropped by my house to borrow some notes from me and met my brother. Boom! They clicked, instantly becoming best friends.

"So, are we ready for senior year?" Harmony shouted.

"Yeah," we muttered in reply.

"Come on, guys," he whined, with a pout. "Put more life into it."

"So, are we ready for senior year?" he yelled louder this time, emphasizing each word.

"Yes, we are!" We chanted loudly, matching his enthusiasm and disrupting other groups of students around us.

"Let's go make history!" Ifeanyi howled, whacking Blake accidentally, as he aimed to fist pump the air.

"Sure." We replied and laughed before high-fiving each other.

"Let's get started on that plan then, " I smiled, feeling confident as we strolled to class.

"Yeah baby," Tony acknowledged, shooting me a strange look that made me blush and feel soft inside.

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