Chapter 2: Smash Into You

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Joanna's POV

I WAS STILL MUTTERING profanities under my breath and worrying about my plans already failing that I stopped abruptly after I heard a loud voice or should I say a scream.

"Alex," a deep voice cried.

"Oh no," I groaned as I recognized the voice anywhere.

"Alex!" It sounded louder this time.

"Shit," I grumbled and sent a silent prayer to God. "Please don't be him. Please don't be him."

I kept chanting while I slowly turned around, praying I was wrong, but no, I was right.

As I turned around, I spotted him running down the hall at top speed.

"Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me," I prayed.

Idiot. If he hasn't noticed you why would he be screaming your name? My subconscious taunted.

I loved my one and only real friend, Harmony. The one that warned me about the teachers at school.

Even though I was praying he wasn't the one yelling my name, I foolishly wanted him here with me just a few moments ago.

I loved Harmony, but he hugged like the Incredible Hulk. Literally.

He had huge muscles, a broad chest, and a pair of athletic legs. Of course, my best friend was hot as hell with his well-trimmed dark hair, chocolate skin, and brown eyes. I should also include a sharp jaw and great smile.

I would have to hold you up here though as your brain was already going haywire with theories. No, Harmony and I aren't in love.
There was no romance between us in this story.
We actually dated once, but it didn't work out.

He had his eye on someone else while we dated. But before you jumped on the hate wagon, he didn't break my heart or anything because I honestly didn't love him more than a friend. We broke up and remained friends even when things didn't work out that someone else.

"Ooomph." My breath hitched as he slammed into me at full force.

"Here goes my ribs. Goodbye ribs. Thank you for your good work. You served me well, and I will never forget you," I mumbled to myself as Harmony engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug while I prayed my ribs survived.

"I missed you," he cried out happily, kissing my cheeks.

"Harmony," I wheezed, struggling to get words out. "Can't breathe."

"Oh, sorry, Alex." He chuckled when he noticed my discomfort. "I missed you but that doesn't mean I should kill you." He smiled after he released me.

I honestly didn't know why he called me Alex, which was my surname. I corrected him several times but to no avail. I held out hope that one day he would call me Joanna and stop confusing people around us.

"Thank God my ribs survived." I sighed when my breathing had gotten back to its normal pace. "I missed you too, hun. So you opted to come back?"

Harmony mentioned he wanted to stay in Enugu to complete his senior secondary education.

"Yeah," he replied. "I wanted to be close to home. Plus, after you told me you were attending my school I decided why not? I also know how awkward you are, so – "

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