The Book of Enrada Chapter 6

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“Call the Alpha. They will be executed for trespassing and Xander. He must know that his wife and daughters are witches.” Cameron says. “Restrain them.” He barks. Nick move taking my arms and Connor and Ryan taking Megan’s while Liam captures Chilli. I make to attack them but Megan shakes her head and mouths a ‘no’.

“Dad. We have an emergency. Xander’s wife and kids. They have revealed they are witches……What?...Now?...Fine.” he hangs up. “We have to take them back to the house. Dad is going to meet us there. He’s says no harm is to come of them.” They boys nod, before dragging us towards the house. Chilli digs his heels in and then changes into a cat and then a tiger, before clawing at one of the boys.

“Chilli, behave yourself.” I say sternly. He bows his head before walking solemnly forward.

“Let them go.” John says. “They aren’t going to do anything stupid, are you girls?” we shake our heads. “Good, take a seat.”

“Aren’t you going to sentence them? Dad they’re witches, you know the penalty for a witch is death.” Danny stresses.

“Yes I do, but these two aren’t normal witches and nor is their mother.”

“I don’t get it, Sir.”

“Carrie came to us for help. They came here for refuge, you see boys….. Stop hovering in the door way. They aren’t going to suddenly get up and try and run, sit.”

“They might not, but he will.” Nick said pointing to Chilli. Who is in a cat form, on the counter, licking himself. Chilli hisses.

“I doubt it.” the Alpha said.

“Why would they want refuge with us? They are witches. We don’t mix well with them.” Ryan says.

“Our home was destroyed, by Shadows. They crave power, it’s what they live on. They were once humans, members of our council but they absorbed so much magic that they just became… things.” Megan starts.

“We don’t come from Earth. We come from a different world called Enrada, our mother she is the keeper of a book. It’s the most powerful source of magic in the universe. When our world went to war with the council. Our mother hid the book.” I cut in.

“We are the book. When our mother hid it. She hid in us. We aren’t even supposed to be alive, but we are. The book it’s so powerful, that I said to drive someone crazy an-“

“So why aren’t you crazy?”

“We don’t know.”

“Them things in the forest, were they after you?” Liam frowns. We nod.

“They’ve gotten stronger; your mum used a lot of magic in creating the glamour’s. They shouldn’t have even gotten in without one of us knowing.” John rubs his face.

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