Boys Don't Always Like Girls

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Taurus and Gem were walking back and forth in the hallways on the third floor.

Taurus carefully considered before deciding to tell Gem what she was thinking. "I-I think I have enough courage to ask him out."

Gem smiled. "Great. What are you going to say?"

Taurus shrugged. "I'll just go ask him out. Plain and simple."

"So, when are you going to ask him?"

"I don't know. Maybe today at lunch."

"Eeeeeeek! I'm so excited. You have to tell me what he says!"

"I will."

"After you two get together-"

"I don't even know if he'll say yes."

"Hmm... I hope he does."


Libra and Virgo were standing outside the art room, laughing. Scorpio was also there, not looking nearly as excited.

Scorpio rolled her eyes. "This is ridiculous."

Libra put her hands on her hips. "This is what you get for tricking us the other day!"

Virgo smirked. "Yeah. I actually got every question right on that biology test. But you made us think that we failed."

"It was a harmless prank. You two are going overboard with this."

Libra smiled at Scorpio. "If you don't do it, I'm locking you out of the house."

Scorpio looked at Libra. "Yeah. That will work. For about two minutes until I break in."

Virgo nodded. "That was a pretty stupid thing to say, I've got to admit."

Libra sighed and punched Virgo. "Then you think of an idea."

"I'm not getting involv-"

"You've got nothing!"

"I have a lot of things, actually."

"You have no ideas."

"I have millions of ideas."

"You have no idea about this topic of what to do if Scorpio doesn't do what we say."

"You know she's trying to escape, right? She's already halfway down the hallway."

"Then stop her!"

"You're faster than I am."

"I'm wearing heels!"

"Run princess, run."

Libra rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath before running after Scorpio. She eventually tackled Scorpio, and managed to drag her back over to the art room.

Scorpio smirked. "I could have gotten away. I let you catch me."

Libra sighed. "Just go!"

Scorpio pointed to the clock. "The bell will ring soon. I can't be late for-"

Virgo opened the door to the art room. "Oh teacher~"

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