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Scorpio, Libra and Aquarius stood around Gemini's bed.

Libra sighed as she put her hands on her hips. "It's impossible to tell if he actually has a bad fever, or if it's that stupid curse."

Scorpio's ponytail swung as she shook her head. "He got sick before, remember? When Leon poisoned him. The curse made Aries go into a coma after she's already been in one. It makes sense that he'd get sick again after already being sick."

"If he just has a fever isn't that good?" asked Aquarius. "At least it's not worst."

"That's assuming the fever stays like it is," frowned Scorpio.

"The curse could make him worst at any moment," nodded Libra.

"Aries also got worst all of the sudden a few days ago." Aquarius glanced at his watch. "We should go to school soon."

"Who's going to stay and watch over Gemini?" asked Libra.

"You guys go to school. I can handle myself." Gemini cracked his eyes open and weakly smiled at the others. His palms were sweaty from his high body temperature.

"I think you'll soon have to go to the hospital." Libra stuck a thermometer in his mouth. "I'd watch you but I have a test before lunch. Afterwards, I'll come back home to look over you."

"He'll get worst if I stay." Scorpio kept her face expressionless despite everything she was feeling. "That's how it works. Everything happens when I'm around."

"But he got sick before you came to his room," added Aquarius.

Scorpio almost felt relief, until she remembered what happened yesterday. "He started coughing and he said he wasn't feeling well during our study session with Virgo and Taurus yesterday."

"How are they feeling?" Aquarius pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Let's see if they're sick too. If they are, it's not the curse."

"But them not being sick wouldn't prove that he has the curse either," sighed Libra.

"Virgo says he's alright." Aquarius frowned as he checked the message he just received on his phone. "Taurus says her legs feel funny, as if she can't move them. Other that that she's alright."

Scorpio rolled her eyes. "She's using jokes to cope with her paralysis. That doesn't really surprise me."

"I'll see who wants to watch over this big dummy," smirked Aquarius as he texted the group chat.

Gemini threw a pillow at Aquarius. "You're the dummy."

Aquarius: Guys who wants to watch Gemini? He's really sick from the curse

Capricorn: Is he okay?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'll be there in a few seconds

Aquarius: he's alright, we just need someone to watch him and take care of him

Capricorn: I can

Pisces: he probably doesn't want to go to school lol

Taurus: Pisces, there's a time and a place to joke around

Sagittarius: Taurus has a point

Pisces: i am deeply sorry for being inconsiderate. For now on, I'll make sure I don't joke about serious matters

Pisces: that was a sincere apology. I'm not being sarcastic

Gem: 🤔

Pisces: ask cancer. I'm being sincere

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