Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 3:34 pm

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The Cell Division and Genetics class has just finished and I'm heading to my next course. In the previous classes, Elijah and I planted camellias in the garden for Ecology, Charles and I created miniature newton's cradles in Physics, and Margret and I practiced punnet square in Genetics. However, my next class- Garrison Space Studies- I have alone and I have absolutely no idea where it is. I see Dr. Mell rushing down the hall and muttering something under her breath with a stack of papers barely clutched in her arms. "Um, sorry Dr. Mell?" Dr. Mell jumps and all the papers she was holding scatter across the floor. "I'm so sorry Dr. Mell. I didn't mean-" Dr. Mell turns around and sighs. "Oh, Alex you startled me. Can I assist you with anything?"

I bend down and pick up the papers she dropped to place them back into her hands. I stare at one paper written in a language or code I don't understand:

Ymj jcujwnrjsyx fwj ozxy ytt zshjwyfns, xzwjqd dtz rzxy pstb ny htzqi pnqq ymjr. Mtbjajw, nk ny itjx xzhhjji bj'qq gj rnqqntsfnwjx fsi ljsnzxjx. N bts'y futqtlnej ktw ymj uqfzxngqj htsxjvzjshjx gjhfzxj nk bj hfs wjfhm ymj wjxzqy bj'wj xywnansl ktw bj'qq wjatqzyntsnej ymj jsynwj btwqi tk xhnjshj. Gjxnijx, dtz rzxy pstb bj hfs'y ozxy lnaj zu ymjxj bnqqnsl xzgojhyx, rnlmy fx bjqq ytd bnym ymjr ktw ymj ynrj gjnsl.

~Iw. Qfzwjsx

"Actually I was looking for the Garrison Space Studies classroom, but I couldn't find it." "Yeah, isn't this place like one huge maze? I'm still trying to adjust-I was just hired a month ago. Anyways, Space Studies is on the fifth-floor room five. Should say #505 on the door." She smiles and pats my shoulder before sprinting away in the direction she was originally headed. "Thank you, Dr. Mell," my voice echoes through the gray walls as a chill runs up and down my spine. What the heck was on that paper?

Ah, finally there it is. I slip into room #505 and apologize for being late. An elderly and compassionate-seeming doctor stands at the front of the room."It's alright, Alex I'm glad you were able to find the class," she says. I stop and stare at another kid sitting at one of the desks. I guess I don't have this class alone. The shaggy black hair on the kids head shifts as he turns to look at me. It's that loner kid from earlier, Keith! "Alright, shall we begin? I'm Mrs. Garrison and I'll be your space studies teacher for this week. Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves?" She pronounces and turns to me. "Uh-I'm Alex." "Nice to meet you, Alex." She smiles and turns to the boy next to me. "Keith," he utters with an uninterested tone. "Wonderful.Okay now let's begin our lesson, today we'll be talking about the possibility of life on Europa. " Dr. Garrison passes articles to the two of us and begins to read.

I glance at the clock: 4:17. We had finished reading the article and were now filling in a discussion packet. Keith is slouched in his chair and isn't even trying to pretend he is participating. "Okay, Keith what do you think. Is there life on this distant moon?" He grunts but doesn't answer the question. "Keith? You need to work with us this is very-" "It doesn't matter." Keith responds and Mrs. Garrison flinches. "Excuse me, but you do realize that you're saying the likelihood of extraterrestrial life does not matter?" Keith is staring daggers at her as he twirls a pencil between his first and second fingers. "I'm sorry to admit this to you lady but no one cares." Sure reading an article is boring, although he doesn't need to be impolite about it. "You don't have to be so rude." I jump in. "Oh, shut-up shortie." I furrow my brow with his stab at my height. Keith fiercely stands and marches angrily to the door.

"What is your problem?" I demand confused about what has him so rilled-up. "My problem is I'm not here for these stupid classes!" The metal door slams shut behind him with a crash. If Keith is not at Y.I.E.L.D. for the internship's courses, what is he really here for?

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