Chapter 11

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I was pacing back and forth while Luke slept in his hospital bed. Was Til okay? I was still waiting on Aubrey or Booth to reach out to me, did they find him?

I knew that Brayden was dead and thank God that he was. I don't know what I'd do if the fucker was still alive and messing with me. It was very dark in the hospital room, it was about midnight, shadows of trees in the moonlight danced on the walls and beeping was heard throughout the building. The emergency room was heard down below, still active with doctors and patients running around. Up here, it was more silent.

I had begged the doctors to let me stay, though visiting hours for family were over. I convinced them that if anything were to go wrong with my pregnancy from stress, I'd be right here.

Luke's snores bounced throughout the room, making it seem somewhat eerie. I didn't like hospitals and I hated them at night just as much. My phone buzzed and I quickly picked it up off the table in hopes that it wouldn't disturb my boyfriend who was trying to recover from being shot.

"Hello?" I answered the phone without checking to see who was calling.

"Ms. Boyer, it's Aubrey here. We just wanted to inform you that your nephew is safe and is currently at the station. He's a little shaken up, but would love to see you and his uncle right away," Aubrey told me the amazing news over the phone.

"Oh my goodness, thank God! Thank you so much for helping us, I'm forever in your debt!" I thanked him.

"No need to thank me," he chuckled. "It's my job."

We shared a few more words before hanging up. I didn't want to leave Luke alone in the hospital and it would be difficult to get back in since it was so late at night. I sighed deeply, Til needs me. Luke will be okay, I hope.

I kissed his forehead as he slept. "I'll be back, baby, but in case you pass away, I love you so much. Don't leave me, not while I'm gone at least. You're making a great recovery, don't let Brayden win this fight, he already lost."

I had to admit that I was scared to leave Luke behind in that hospital bed, he may be alive but we could still lose him. He hasn't following recovered and he's been complaining all day that he was in a deep pain.

I just hope that the heart monitor is still beeping up and down instead of one long continuous beep when I get back. I silently sent a pray up to God to protect Luke for however long I'll be gone. I don't want to lose him. I need him. Our baby needs him.

With that, I shut his door and turned on my flashlight. It was dark in the hallway and every patient was fast asleep. It was about two in the morning and no one was running back and forth down the halls. The actual hospital itself was closed and the ER was open, but that was down below me. Luke was unfortunately on the top floor. I slightly giggled and rolled my eyes as I walked down the dark corridor.

Eventually, I made to the elevator and took a short ride down to the first floor. Once it dinged and the doors opened, I ran out of the hospital and to my car. I wanted to get to the station as fast as I could, because God knows how scared Til is right now.


I woke up with a big stretch, which ended up causing pain in my upper shoulder. I cringed quietly to myself and scanned the room. When I didn't see Carol, I began to worry. She was here when I was asleep.

My breathing felt shaky and I almost felt sick. A drowsy feeling came over me, but as tired as I was, I fought it. I don't want to die and I think that's what my body wants me to do, but I won't let it win. I have so much more to celebrate in life.

Although, I was extremely worried about my state and where my girlfriend disappeared to that I ended hitting the call button next to my bed and awaited a nurse. I felt like I was going to pass out.

As that thought came through my mind, I began having a hard time keeping my eyes open and soon closed them, then everything went black.


"Your uncle is in here. He was sleeping when I-" I cut myself off when a saw the flatline, the one thing that terrified me. I ran to the call button and slammed my hand down on it, but it didn't seem to work.

In a panic, I ran out the door and screamed at the nurses and doctors, hoping the heard me and the distress in my voice. My boyfriend was fading and I was beyond terrified. I don't want to be a single mom. I need him, I love him. I hate Brayden. I should've never let Luke come back into my life. His was at risk because of the love he had for me. I'm scared shitless.

Til and I sat outside in the hall as the doctors and nurses tried to revive the man we both loved so much. "I can't lose another guardian, Aunt Carol. It's too much for me to handle. And I want my cousin to have an awesome dad like I did. Uncle Luke needs to live."

"I know, Til. And he will, I promise. He's a strong guy."

"But what if they can't save him? What will happen to me?" Til asked with a barely audible voice.

I took his hand in mind and began to squeeze it. I know Lee and Kelly would be okay with this if something we're to happen to Luke. "You will love with me and help me raise your cousin. You need a parent and I need help."

"Okay, I just hope it doesn't come down to that. I need Uncle Luke," Til mumbled.

"I need him too," I sighed.

It was only a half hour later that a doctor came out the door and gave me slight smile. An abundance of joy washed over me as I stood up quickly and went into the room. Luke's heart monitor was back to its regular beeping and his chest was moving up and down with the flow of his breaths. They saved him, let's hope this time is the last.

Luke was snoring as I approached him, Til behind me. I slowly placed my hand on his and squeezed it as tears began to fall, but this time it was because I was happy. He's okay, he will be okay. I love him so much. They say you don't know how much you love something until you lose it, but I didn't need to lose Luke to know how much I love him. Brayden put him in here. This was his fault. But Luke is okay, he's safe. Brayden's dead. It's all over.

I placed my hand on my abdomen, thinking about our unborn baby. As long as they get to meet their father, and as long as I'm not trying to raise it on my own, everything will be okay. As long as Luke doesn't pass away, I'll be okay.

I hope everything stays okay.

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