December 6, 2017

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    Hilo👋. Sorry I haven't updated for a few days! Anyway, today I had gym class at the end of the day. Usually it's one of my least favourite classes, because most of the class is spent killing any energy I had before the class started. My gym teacher wasn't feeling the best, so she decided to take us for a walk. We ended up walking to a nearby hiking trail, which I had only been on once before. On the way to the trail I kinda just ignored everyone and enjoyed the fresh air. Once we got to the hill though, that was when it got fun! Me and a few other girls (my school has split-gender gym classes) started running through the hills and shrubs (semi-desert, no trees😩). It was really fun and I had to refrain from howling 😂 THEN on the way back it started SNOWING!!!! I was like jumping and catching snowflakes in my mouth (I got lots of weird looks lol) while my classmates were singing Christmas carols. It was great 😂

    Other than that, nothing else therian-related has happened really, aside from some phantom shifts. Ears mostly, but I had my first phantom paws!🎉 I've only ever shifted ears and tail before so the paws were a welcome surprise! I don't know about you guys, but when I wear my wolf ears I tend to have almost constant phantoms! It's really weird because it almost feels like my headband ones ARE the phantoms!

(As I typed that, I literally shifted a tail lol)


That's basically all the therian-related things that have happened, aside from my meditations, which basically were just me running with Somaya and her pack. Anyone have any tips for dream shifting? I'm curious and want to try to induce one! Comments are always welcome! Goodbye for now!!

-Your absurd wolf-dog, Somaya💚

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