Feb 23, 2018

131 6 6

        So yesterday I decided to tell my sister that I'm a therian! It actually went really well, and she actually believed me! I started of asking her if she still believed in magic (me and her used to be obsessed with fairies), and she said yes. Then I told her the names Aura and Somaya, and she kept asking who they were. I told her that they were an arctic fox and a wolf- dog. She then asked if they were OCs, or (jokingly) if they were my "friends". I told her no to both, then quietly said that they were my theriotypes. She then asked what they were and I explained what a therian was. She was really interested and kept asking questions! Anyway I thought I would share that little good thing with you guys! (Btw my sister drew the picture at the top!)

-Somaya/ Aura💚

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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