January 10, 2018

126 6 0

     Hello👋!  I hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday! So today I'm going to get straight into the therian stuff.

  So last night I decided to meditate. I started of using a phantom limb-based one, but changed to just some music because my mind kept making things up. During the meditation;

I woke up in my usual spot ( In a beautiful forest, by a creek) and turned to walk around, only to be faced by a small canine.
The creature was light brown/ tan colour, with a white dot of fur above each eye. It's eyes were a dark amber colour, and it looked to be a fox, or a small dog. The canine walked towards me and stopped. I suddenly felt myself shrinking, and closed my eyes. When I reopened them I looked down at my new brown/ tan paws, and back at the creature I now resembled. It turned, then started to run towards a large, heavily branched tree. I followed, then it started to climb the tree. I froze, confused, and mesmerized by the creature climbing. It then turned and looked at me as if to say aren't you coming? I then followed, the tree's bent shape making it easy for my sharp claws to grasp the bark. Soon, he/ she stopped climbing and sat down in a large fork of branches.

Basically all that happened; after that was basically me and the canine kinda stared at each other, then I woke up. I'm kinda confused though, is the fox another theriotype? Or some kind of spirit animal? I think it's a boy, and a fox, but I'm not sure. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas / help PLEASE comment!

As for Somaya, I've basically confirmed she's a wolf-dog.  That's all I have for now, until next time! Byeeeeee 👋

-Somaya, the confused💚

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