December 1, 2017

363 11 1

It's Friday (LONG WEEKEND HERE I COME)!!! lol

I tried a new meditation last night and it was.. different. It was wolf specific and I actually quite enjoyed it! I got to run around as Somaya with what I think was her pack. It was nice to try another type of meditation. On a different note...

               ItS cHrIsTmaS mOnTh!!!!

Yea... I love Christmas probably a little to much....  

So it's now lunchtime and I'm kinda just sitting in a random hallway (like the loner I am) wearing my flower crown (picture at the top). Seeing as I'm the only one in my school who wears a flower crown (and animal ears) I've gotten like ten comments from teachers, and get stared at as I walk down the hallway. It's kinda funny to watch people's faces as I walk past them wearing wolf ears. They kinda just stare and look scared for my sanity.😂 Anyone else get funny reactions to therian gear/ other (like flower crowns) ?
  Anyway that's all for now. I might add more later if anything interesting/therian related happens! Byeeeee 👋


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