Samson and Delilah

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Samson and Delilah
A retelling of a classic tale

I watched as he was sprawled on my bed. We had just finished a juicy round of sex. Samson with his 14inches Mandingo had an unrivalled bed prowess and he was easily the most sought after man in our province. I took my time to take in his beauty. His eyes were as blue as the sea. He had a straight nose and high cheekbones paired with two full lips. His skin was flawlessly tanned and he had a great build with bulging muscles. I was delighted that I was the spice of his life even though it would be for a short time.

I stood up from the bed and went to the window. When I got there, I placed my elbows on the window sill and looked out towards the sky. The moon was full. It shone so bright I could make out the Boötes constellation, Arcturus especially shining brightly. I left the window and began pacing the room, the weight of what I was about to do disheartening me. I had already braided his seven locks to the loom's fabric and fastened it tightly with pins. All that was left was for them to bundle him out to do with as they please. He had tricked me two times before but I had this gut feeling that this was it, he would finally be subdued. I went out of the room to signal the men in. Like vultures drawn to a dead carcass they hurried into the room.

"Samson! The Philistines are upon you! Run!" I shouted as he groggily sat upright on the bed. The men moved towards him tentatively. The previous times they'd attempted to capture him had been disastrous for them, they had lost some men and many others were scarred for life.

Like lightning, Samson suddenly sprang from the bed pulling up the pin and the loom, alongside the fabric. In quick motions, he grabbed two of the men and kissed their foreheads together before throwing them aside. He grabbed another and quickly twisted his neck before  sending his body crashing into the other two who were trying to regain their balance while others quickly scurried out of the room.

By the time the scuffle had ended, I was balled up in a corner of the room. I was crying profusely. I needed to keep a front to Samson because my plan had failed once again. "My love, don't cry." I heard him say as he held me in a bear hug. I rested my head on the crook of his neck and continued crying. When my crying finally reduced to sniffles he carried me to the bed while whispering words of comfort. "No one's going to hurt you. I'm here for you." He said as he rested my head on his chest.

After a few minutes when I was finally close to sleeping he said, "Why was my hair tied to the loom?"
"I'm very tired now Samson. Let's sleep please."
"Okay." He agreed. Soon I heard his even breathing and became perplexed. I now had to find another lie. I was running out of excuses. I'll need to find his secret.

Two weeks after, I began prodding him again to tell me his secret. I used sex, food and every means I could to lure him into telling me but he was very stubborn and adamant, and always found a way to evade telling me his secret. Eventually, his resolve thinned after some days.

"No razor has ever been used on my head, because I've been a Nazarite set apart to God since birth. If my head were shaven, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as any other man." He said casually. But I knew this was it, this actually made sense. I quickly sent word to the rulers that I finally had his secret and though they didn't believe me at first,  after much persuasion they agreed to come for him one more time.

The next day, I prepared him an Italian dish of sea spinach soup & beef sandwich with a glass of milk. I had gotten this recipe when I went to Italy for one of my craze travels and I knew he loved it. I watched as he ate the food in relish. Anticipation was eating deep into my marrow. I needed this done and dusted.
After he had eaten, I let him fall into a slumber on my thighs. Immediately he was asleep I got someone to shave off his head. When it was finally shiny like a tortoise's shell, I dismissed the man before signalling the guards in.

"Samson! The Philistines are upon you!" I screamed but this time I was so happy cause I was damn sure this was it. When he awoke I noticed the cocky smile he had, the fool didn't know what was about to befall him. I watched as the men lurched for him and within seconds he was held tightly in their grasp. He was stunned and wordlessly begged me to save him. He was bundled out of the room but not before he threw me one last sad glance.
I couldn't handle this and I began to cry. I thought I would be happy that he finally got what he deserved but I was wrong. I felt no joy. Instead, I was repulsed at what I had done.

Some days later I heard from the gossips that his eyes had been gouged out and he was in bronze shackles, forced to grind in the prison. The rulers had rewarded me extremely and I was a heroine to everyone.

I decided to visit him in prison. As I was led to his cell, I felt uneasy and anxious. When I saw him I was aghast. He didn't look like the Samson I knew. Yes he still looked huge but now his beautiful skin was pale and adorned with wounds and scars and his hollow eyes looked scary.

"Samson." I croaked. I noticed him move his legs slightly. He was huddled up in the middle of the cell with his jaw resting on his knees. "Why have you come to visit me?"

"I'm sorry." Tears were streaming out my eyes and my hands were shaking profusely. "You betrayed me. Why? Why Delilah?! I loved you with all my heart!" He screamed. I shook my head in silence but soon I realised he couldn't see me and a fresh wave of guilt tore through me. I felt my knees wavering before I sank to the floor. "How much were you paid?"

"Twelve thousand one hundred shekels of silver." I whispered. "You sold me for that. Delilah I could have given you that and more."
"I know it wasn't about the money. It was something else."
"What?" He furrowed his brows.
"You killed my brother." I cried. "What?!" He croaked.

"Yes you did. You never know who you hurt with your actions. He was a victim during one of your murderous activities. He was just like an ant that died from the fight between a reindeer and an antelope. He was innocent Samson. I had already planned on killing you so when they brought the offer I was delighted. I get to revenge my brother and also earn from it." I used my palms to dab off my tears. "Though Sam, I'm not satisfied. I feel more heartbroken than ever.  I don't know why but I love you. I shouldn't, but I love you!"

"I'm sorry. I do love you too. Everyday when I get tortured, the thought of you is what keeps me alive. I always picture you in bed sleeping or reading a book with your brows creased. I'm sorry." He uttered as a lone tear fell across his face.

"If only sorry could remedy our situation." I laughed. "If only, Sam." I added as I stood up and began to walk away. "Goodbye Delilah." I heard you say as I walked on. But deep down I knew this wasn't our end. 'I am pregnant with your child', I thought as I absentmindedly rubbed my belly.

© akelaahwrites
Edited by: torella

AN: here's another short story. I hope you enjoy it. Please don't forget to vote; it's that tiny star, just a click and you're done. Also comment please. Love you😘😘😘!!!

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