Day 31

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Ian was early.

He arrived to the spot at 1:45pm.

Abby walked around the section at 2 and saw Ian and waved.

She walked up to him and smiled.

"Hi" she said.

He grabbed her hand, with dewy eyes. 

He pulled out a crinkled piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Abby. 

Abby looked down to read the note.

Before we start anything I just want you to know that I am deaf. I was born deaf. I know we have a connection towards each other and I just don't want to mess it up. So, I am going to try to talk. I haven't used my voice in a long time. For the first time in a long time will you hear my voice okay? I hope its not too ugly for you. 

She just looked up and smiled at him. 

She dragged her hand upon his face and caressed it. 

"I promise I won't think its ugly. Just let me hear your voice"

He took a breath in.

"Hello Abby" He said in a raspy voice. 

Abby heard nothing but honey.

Nothing but pure comfort. 

Nothing but beauty. 

He looks at her, wanting validation. 

He was afraid his voice was disgusting, for her innocent ears. 

"It was wonderful. Talk to me more"

{A/N: Only two more parts left!}

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