Day 31.5

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He holds her hands in hers and looks into those deep brown eyes. 

Those eyes that can read your soul and take all away all of its worth to tear you apart.

"I like you"

She looks back up at him.

She looks into those blue eyes. 

Those soft, caring eyes.

Her lips shoveled into a smile.

"I like you too"

The two embraced each other in a long hug. 

When they let go she hit him on the shoulder. 

His face expressed pain. 

"What was that for?" he says rubbing his shoulder while walking through the aisle. 

"I was suppose to say I like you first" she hummed. 

"Looks like I beat you to it" he says laughing.

Abby stopped dead in her tracks. 

His laugh was terrific. 

It sounded like a vivacious ride that she's just been on and she didn't want him to stop. 

Then she got mad. 

She was mad he will never be able to hear his own voice. 

She was mad he will never be able to hear her own voice. 

{A/N: Since y'all been on my ass. I was thinking of either ending it now or keep going? But I might just end it and then update other parts? I have no idea}

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