Day 32

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The two would spend lots of time together. 

They would go on coffee shop dates, where it was their goal to try every coffee and tea on their list. 

The two would go to each other apartment and read together, snuggling up to one another. 

Abby would soon learn to appreciate the vibrations of sound, as Ian would teach her. 

One night, Ian touched Abby's chest to feel her sounds. 

"Maybe I will never be able to hear you. But I'll always be able to touch you. I'll always be able to identity your vibrations."

She cried that night. 

She cried that night in his arms. 

In the cool air surrounded by his warmth. 

And some significant words came out.

"I love you Ian"

Ian looked down and kissed Abby on the lips.

A long endearing kiss.

"I love you too. Forever and always"

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